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Albert Speer: Difference between revisions

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=== Post-War ===
With the collapse of the German economy and the end of the West Russian War, the German economy became far more dependent on slave labour from the eastern ReichskommisariatsReichskommissariats. This would turn Speer away from the slave labour system that he used during the war, and instead became a proponent of liberalizing the German economy, becoming the leader of the reformist faction, contenting with less extreme NSDAP members on one side, and the more radical Gang of Four on the other, a collection of leading liberally-minded politicians.
== In-Game ==
When going down Speer's path in the game, the player will be tasked with reforming the Reich, but implementation can vary. There are three main paths. If the player fails to appease the party, Speer's government can collapse, as real power comes into the hands of Theodor Oberländer, who will turn the NSDAP more reactionary. If the player fails to keep the Gang of Four under control, the GO4Gang of Four can also seize control over the levers of state power, liberalizing the Reich to a far greater degree than what Speer (and much of the reformist faction) intended, with Germany becoming an authoritarian democracy. If the player keeps Speer in power, state power remains firmly within the Nazi party, but Speer's reforms can be fully implemented.
=== Slave Revolt ===
Not seen in the paths of other leaders of Germany, if Albert Speer wins the German Civil War, a major slave revolt will break out in most of the eastern Reichskommissariats. How the player chooses to engage with the revolting slaves depends on the path they take, with peaceful resolutions in the GO4Gang of Four, and forceful reconquests in the Oberländer path.
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