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'''Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer''' (born 19 March 1905) is a German architect who serves as the Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production, and can potentially become Führer of the Großgermanisches Reich. He joined the NSDAP in 1931, becoming a member of Adolf Hitler's inner circle, as well as one of Hitler's closest personal allies. In the post-war years, and especially after the collapse of the German economy (and its subsequent reorganising as a slave-based system), he became a large proponent of economic liberalization, leading the Reformist faction of the NSDAP.
=== In-Game Description ===
==== As a member of Hitler's Cabinet ====
''Albert Speer is a silver-tongued politician, knowing what to say on just the right occasion; an expert in getting people over to his side with honeyed words and promises tempered by his background as Minister of Armaments and War Production in the Second World War. Under his reign as the Minister of Economics, however, the economy has seen a steady decline, from the massively inefficient post-war economic system of slavery showing its undeniable flaws, to the general sensation of stagnation in Nazi policies. Yet, even though Speer was arguably one of if not the most important man responsible for engineering the mass slavery in Germany's colonies, today he speaks against the same creation he partook in and encouraged.''
''After a period of moderate obscurity in the '50s, Speer began an intensive campaign of rallying his support. His supporters are the apathetic men and women who lost their jobs or had their family killed in wars, the technocrats and the reform-minded NSDAP members, the disillusioned National Socialists who were not awarded their promised Aryan utopia, and as a token yet active minority, and the small but slowly growing group of students banking on Speer as their only hope for more radical reform. Each hopes for a different facet of Speer's promises, but nevertheless create a shaky united front of 'reformed' National Socialists.''
== Biography ==
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