All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic

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The All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic, officially the Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon, or more known as the AFRSR or Hukbalahap is one of the three rival governments in the Philippine Archipelago. The nation is an unrecognized state created in opposition to the Japanese-Backed Second Philippine Republic, based in Northern Luzon.

All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic
Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon
Flag of the AFRSR
Ruling Party Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas - United Front Wing
Head of StateLuis Taluc y Mangalus
Sphere No Sphere
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Credit Rating Good
Market Type Planned Economy

As part of their revolutionary goal of creating a Socialist Republic in the Philippines, it wages an guerilla and people's war against the Second Philippine Republic to the south.

It consists of Filipino peasants and farmers fighting against the occupation of Japan and the KALIBAPI. While the nation is neutral, the Huks begrudgingly work with the Commonwealth Exiles and the United States to keep themselves afloat and armed.


Second World War

The AFSR has its roots in the Hukbalahap movement, an insurgency started by peasants in Luzon. The Lava Brothers would declare a workers and peasants republic in 1945, and immediately begin carrying out land reform, with large estates broken up and given to peasantry, among other changes throughout the north of the Philippine Archipelago.

Philippine War and Aftermath

The Philippines Communists realised they could not defeat the Japanese by themselves, so they entered into an alliance with the Free Philippine Republic, together they would launch an offensive in 1959. While the Free Filipinos made substantial gains, the Huks would be forced to retreat, embarking upon a long withdrawal that becamse known as the Great Paddy March. in the aftermath, the head of the PKP Luis Taruc would attack General Secretary Jose Lava, stating his caustion and dogmatism had cost the revolution. Taruc would then oust Lava, becoming the leader of the newly proclaimed AFRSR.

National Spirits

The AFRSR starts with the following National Spirits

Name In Game Description Effects
The Wounded Revolution
The Changeless Land
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