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== Background ==
The English Civil War begins shortly after the German Civil War, fought between HMMLR and the collaborationist government. If the HMMLR wins the civil war, they would be inclined to join the OFN. However, Germany wouldis not be happy in losing a critical Pakt satellite , combined with Britain's key strategic position which serves as a valuable asset of the Pakt's Westernwestern Flank.flank HMMLRin knowsthe it would not be able to resist an invasion but would make sure that Germany's victory would be pyrrhicAtlantic. This is the core of their strategy, maintaining their preparedness and fortifying their found freedom.
The leadership of the HMMLR knows it would not be able to resist an invasion, but they would make sure that Germany's victory would be pyrrhic. This is the core of their strategy, maintaining their preparedness and fortifying their found freedom.
All collaborationists structures will be torn down, appeals to the world (especially the OFN) will be broadcast, and military preparations will be made, hoping this combined with Germany’s internal problems is enough to dissuade an invasion, though ultimately it’s a long shot that will prove to not work.
All collaborationistscollaborationist structures will be torn down, whilst appeals to the world (especially the OFN) will be broadcast, and military preparations will be made, hoping thisthat these combined efforts, accompanied with Germany’s internal problems in light of Hitler's death is enough to dissuade an invasion, though ultimately it’s a long shot that will prove to not work.
== German Strategy ==
Germany will start it's mechanic one week after Britain is lost, the delay being due to the shock of the GCWGerman Civil War, leading to any response and actioning taking a longer time.
To Germany, Britain is a key satellite to its geopolitical and military aims. Aside from its core doctrine of European hegemony and Britain’s strategic worth, the island controls the sole seaways from the Pakt to the world's oceans not completely dominated by the OFN. Germany can’t be seen as allowing its greatest enemy to undermine ‘Festung Europa’ or be swayed by the tactics of a force much smaller than them.


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