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The Republic of China (中華民國), commonly known or simply just known as China, is a puppet state of the Japanese Empire.

Flag of China
Ruling PartyCollaborationist Kuomintang
Head of StateLin Baisheng
SphereGreater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere
Foreign AlignmentGEACPS
Market Type Free Market Capitalism


Founded in 1940 after negotiations between the Japanese and Wang Jingwei, the Reorganized Government, working with the Empire of Japan would slowly but surely cause the destruction of the Chinese United Front. claiming to be the actual legitimate executor of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s vision, Wang Jingwei worked with the IJA and the IJN to ensure the absolute destruction of Chiang-Kai Shek's Kuomintang and Mao Zedong's CCP. The last holdouts would surrender in the battle of Chongqing after Chiang and Mao died fighting, and were hung before the remnants of Chongqing before the city was completely razed. The death of Wang Jingwei in 1944, ushered Chen Gongbo to assume the office of president. Gongbo oversaw the end of the war and the solidification of the regime's authority over western China.

The end of World War II would bring an era of uncertainty to the Chinese populace, one where the Japanese troops started looting households and raping women just for the sake of it. However, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. While the 1947 Peace Agreements humiliated the country, the Japanese occupation purged dissent and Japanese subsidies allowed for the rebuilding of infrastructure and homes. The Japanese pillaged what industry they could and seized control of former business assets, but it was peaceful enough. Former soldiers returned home, trading rifles for ploughs and tending to the soil long neglected in the face of war.

Thus resulted in the Agrarian Boom of the 1950s, as Chinese crop exports increased in quantity. This would reduce famines within the Co-Prosperity Sphere, and people were able to rebuild faster than they could before.

Due to ailing health and perceived “weakness” by the Legislative Yuan regarding the integration of warlord states, Chen Gongbo resigned from the presidency in 1951 in favor of a cabinet position. What followed was a half-decade long internal power struggle with the C-KMT’s “Reformist” clique at odds with the R-KMT’s “Old Guard” clique. Candidates would promise deals to the Japanese for support, only to be left in the cold upon their assumption of power.

The situation’s direness could perhaps be exemplified when a session of the Legislative Yuan was postponed because the appointed Japanese “Legislative Ambassador” opted to skip the assembly in favor of a day out on Nanjing’s waterfront. Legislative concessions to the Japanese culminated in this situation because of a clause requiring that all executive-legislative members be present for a session, now including the Ambassador. The chaos was apparent and both factions knew something had to be done to salvage China’s rapidly fleeting sovereignty.

Therefore, Lin Baisheng was elected- a mere propagandist with minimal experience in politics. Lin announces the beginning of the Five Modernizations to repair the country's sorry state, but its success is still to be seen.

Political Parties and Factions

Name Ideology Leaders
Chinese Nationalist Party Wang Jingwei Thought Lin Baisheng
Crescent Moon Club Liberalism Luo Longji
Democratic Youth League Li Gongpu
Chinese State Socialist Party Social Democracy Zhang Junmai