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{{Infobox country
| name = Transbaikal Principality
| above = <center>Transbaikal Principality</center> <span style="font-size:85%;"> ''<div> <small>Забайкальское Княжество - Zabaykal'skoye Knyazhestvo</small> </div>''
| nativename = {{abbr|Забайкальское Княжество|Russian, Cyrillic text}} <br/> ''{{abbr|Zabaykal'skoye Knyazhestvo|Russian, Latin text}}
| bodystyle = width:305px;
| flagalt = {{tabber
| labelstyle = width:100px;
| Game Start
| image = [[File:FLAG_CHT.png|250px]]
| caption[[File:FLAG_CHT.png|250px]] =<br/> ''Flag of Chita'' <hr> '''TAG = CHT'''
| Unification
| header1 = <center>Politics</center>
| [[File:Flag_of_Russian_Empire_(1914-1917)_common.svg|250px]] <br/> ''Flag of the Russian Empire''
| tag = CHT
| capital =
|label2 =
| data2 =
| label3rulingparty =
{{Ideology Icon Military Junta}}
Ruling Party
| data3 =
[[File:Despotism military junta subtype.png|25px]]
[[Russian Royal League]]
| data2hos =
[[Mikhail II|Prince Mikhail II]]
| label4 =
Last Election
| data4 =
| label5hog =
Head of State
| data5 =
[[Mikhail II]]
| label6 =
Head of Government
| data6 =
[[Grigory Semyonov]]
| data3gdp =
| header8 = <center>Diplomacy</center>
| label9 =
| data9 =
| label10 =
Foreign Alignment
| data10 =
| header11 = <center>Economy</center>
| label12 =
| data12 =
| label13credit =
Credit Rating
| data13 =
[[File:CreditRating_SP_CCC.png|30px]] Mediocre
| label14econtype =
Planned Economy
Market Type
| data14 =
[[File:GFX_Econ_Type_Planned.png|25px]] Planned Economy
| abovestyle = {{{Abovestyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}
| headerstyle = {{{Headerstyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}
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During the height of the civil war, Ataman [[Grigory Semyonov]] rallied the Transbaikal Cossack Host and fought alongside Aleksandr Kolchak's provisional government in the Russian Far East.
After several years of brutal guerrilla warfare, however, Ataman Semyonov was eventually defeated and forced to flee the country to China with his army in tow, founding the [[Russian Royal League]] with other exiles.
==== Oh, the Harbin! ====
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