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'''Francis Parker Yockey''' (born on the 18th of September 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.) is an American politician, attorney, political philosopher, and potential presidential candidate of the 1972 American election. He is the leader of the American National Vanguard, a National Socialist party in the National Progressive Pact.
=== In Game Description ===
''Francis Parker Yockey is a man that few ever expected to be clothed in the powers of the Presidency. Now, however, after one of the most contentious elections in American history, an outspoken fascist sits in the White House. Originally an author and philosopher, Yockey became enthralled with the authoritarian and fascist movements occurring across the world during the 1930s. He took a particular interest in the works of Adolf Hitler while studying to become a lawyer, embracing the Nazi ideals of anti-semitism and ultranationalism. Following the publication of his self-described magnum opus, "Imperium: the Philosophy of History and Politics", Yockey fathered a new movement in American politics by founding an ultra-far right section of the National Progressive Pact. Originally calling their wing of the NPP the "American National Vanguard", Yockey and his followers were quickly abhorred by the rest of the American political spectrum and simply dubbed "Yockeyites". However, through the failures of his enemies and sheer providence, his faction now stands triumphant over the American political system.''
''The election of Yockey as President has stirred more than a few rats from the woodwork. In many cities across America, mainly in the South, it is not uncommon to see men wearing the hooded white robes of the Klu Klux Klan. Similarly, there is open talk of repealing landmark Civil Rights legislation of the past 20 years. Increasingly common lynchings of Black Americans go unnoticed and uninvestigated. In short, hate is being normalized across the United States, and many within and without the political establishment are terrified where this authoritarian wave might go.''
''Yockey, despite being the leader of the most powerful free nation on Earth, has been unclear and contradictory on his opinions of liberty. Many believe that, regardless of whatever outward show he makes of keeping American liberties intact, he is still a fascist, and will do everything he is able to strengthen the office of President. Yockey himself simply decries "culture-distorters" and claims to safeguard Western Civilization. Exactly what Yockey is protecting it from remains unclear, but with a cross and a star-spangled cloak, Francis Parker Yockey sits in the Oval Office, ready to execute his will upon America.''
== Procedure On Achieving the Yockey Presidency ==


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