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=== Early Life ===
=== Early Life ===
Georgy Zhukov was born on December 1, 1896 in the village of Strelkovka, Kaluga province.

Zhukov was born into a poor peasant family of Russian ethnicity. His father, Konstantin Artemyevich Zhukov, was of Greek origin, worked as a shoemaker. His father originally was orphaned at the age of two and then adopted by Anuska Zhukova. His mother Ustin'ya was a peasant laborer, worked in field work and earned extra money as a driver.

Georgy would the second child in the family; sister Maria was born two years earlier. When he was five years old, his younger brother, Alexey, was born; but he lived less than a year. All three children were baptized in the Orthodox Chruch.

Zhukov was said to resemble his mother, and he believed he inherited his physical strength from her; Ustin'ya was reportedly able to accomplish demanding tasks such as carrying 200-pound (91 kg) sacks of grain over long distances.

In 1903, at the age of seven, he went to a parochial school in the neighboring village of Velichkovo. Three years later, he completed his education with a certificate of merit. In the summer of 1908, Zhukov's mother would arrange an apprenticeship for Zhukov with her brother Mikhail Pilikhin, a furrier and owner of a small fur processing workshop in Moscow. The workshop was located in the city center, not far from Red Square.

While working for his uncle in Moscow, Zhukov supplemented his education by reading with his cousin Alexander on a wide range of topics the Russian language, mathematics, geography, and studied German. In addition, he enrolled in a night school, where he completed courses as the work in his uncle's shop permitted.

Having successfully mastered the initial course in furriery, he independently enrolled in evening general education courses on Tverskaya Street, which provided education at the level of a city school. In 1911, studying in the evenings, he successfully passed the exams for a full course at the city school and received a certificate .

In the summer of 1912, Georgy, as one of the most capable and physically developed students, was taken to the famous Nizhny Novgorod fairs. where he would stand in for the owner occasionally, packed the goods sold and sent orders through the city pier on the Volga, the pier on the Oka or through the railway freight office. In the same year, Zhukov, for the first time in four years of study, returned to his native village.

=== World War 1 ===
In 1914, the Russian Empire entered the war. It was in 1915 where Zhukov was conscripted into the Imperial Russian Army. He would be selected to serve in the cavalry and on the same day he was sent with a group of recruits to Kaluga, where his military career began in the 189th Reserve Infantry Battalion, before his transfer to Balakleya in the the 5th Reserve Cavalry Regiment for further training.

After training as a cavalry non-commissioned officer , at the end of August 1916 he was seconded to the Southwestern Front at the disposal of the commander of the 10th Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. Whilst in his service in the Dragoon regiment, Zhukov would be awarded the Cross of St. George, 4th degree “for the capture of a German officer ”. In October that year, he received a severe concussion and, due to partial hearing loss, he would be sent to a reserve cavalry regiment to recuperate.
For being wounded in battle, he would be awarded his second St. George Cross, this time 3rd degree. He would eventually rise to the rank of junior non-commissioned officer in the Russian Imperial Army. After the February Revolution, Zhukov was elected chairman of the soldiers' squadron committee. He would not serve for long as the squadron was disbanded in December 1917. From there he returned to Moscow, before his return to the village to his parents, where he would contract typhus.
Enlisting in the Red Army from October 1, 1918 as a volunteer, before joining the Russian Communist Party in 1919, Zhukov served in the Moscow Cavalry Division.

During the Civil War, Zhukov would fight as part of his unit, attached to the 4th Army. His first combat mission in the Civil War was the relief of the blockade at Uralsk which was besieged by the Ural Cossacks. From August to October 1919, he would fight near Tsaritsyn as part of the 11th Army, against the troops of Generals Denikin and Wrangel in battles near the Vladimirovka station and the city of Nikolaevsk, then between Zaplavny and Srednyaya Akhtuba (near the current city of Volzhsky ), where he was wounded by grenade fragments.

Whilst in the field hospital to recuperate from his wounds, he also fell ill with typhus. He would recover, and subsequently received a month's leave to go home.

Returning after his leave was up, he was enlisted in a reserve battalion in Tver, and soon from there he was sent to study. After completing the Ryazan cavalry courses in the fall of 1920, he was appointed commander of a platoon, and then subsequently a squadron.

In August 1920 he would take part in battles with the Ulagai landing force near Yekaterinodar, and In December 1920 - August 1921 he participated in the suppression of a peasant uprising in the Tambov region , where he was wounded again.

For his participation in the suppression of the Tambov uprising, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in 1922 with his citation reading<blockquote>In a battle near the village of Vyazovaya Pochta, Tambov province, on March 5, 1921, despite enemy attacks with a force of 1500-2000 sabers, he and his squadron held back the enemy’s onslaught for 7 hours and, then launching a counterattack, defeated the gang after 6 hand-to-hand fights.</blockquote>

=== Rising Through The Ranks ===
=== Rising Through The Ranks ===
From the end of May 1923, Zhukov took command of the 39th Regiment of the 7th Samara Cavalry Division, and in 1924 he was sent to the Leningrad Higher Cavalry School for further training.

In 1925, after graduating from the Leningrad Higher Cavalry School, he would return to the division, before he would be assigned to teach pre-conscription training at the Belarusian State University in the 5 years

In 1929 he would attend the Frunze Military Academy, graduating a year later. From May 1930, he would be assigned to the 2nd Brigade of the 7th Samara Cavalry Division, which was headed at that time by Konstantin Rokossovsky .

Soon, he was appointed assistant inspector of the Red Army cavalry, and by March 1933, Zhykov became commander of the 4th Cavalry Division. From 1937 he served as commander of the 3rd (until February 1938) and 6th Cavalry Corps, and from July 1938 became deputy commander of the Belarusian Special Military District.

On the eve of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Red Army in 1938, although “early and out of turn,” Zhukov was awarded the military rank of division commander. Although not much is known how he managed to rise through the ranks so quickly, it could have been due to Bukharin sidelining and demoting several officers during his time as Premier, allowing commanders such as Zhukov to rise through the ranks.

==== Battle of Khalkin Gol ====
In 1938, Zhukov was directed to command the First Soviet Mongolian Army Group, and saw action against Japan's Kwantung Army on the border between the Mongolian People's Republic and the Japanese-controlled state of Manchukuo. The Soviet–Japanese border conflicts lasted from 1938 to 1939. What began as a border skirmish rapidly escalated into a full-scale war, with the Japanese pushing forward with an estimated 80,000 troops, 180 tanks and 450 aircraft.

These events led to the strategically decisive battle of Khalkhin Gol. Zhukov requested major reinforcements, and on 20 August 1939, his Soviet offensive commenced. After a massive artillery barrage, nearly 500 BT-5 and BT-7 tanks advanced, supported by over 500 fighters and bombers.

The offensive first appeared to be a typical conventional frontal attack. However, two tank brigades were initially held back and then ordered to advance around on both flanks, supported by motorized artillery, infantry, and other tanks. This daring and successful maneuver encircled the Japanese 6th Army and captured the enemy's vulnerable rear supply areas. By 31 August, the Japanese had been cleared from the disputed border, leaving the Soviets clearly victorious.

This campaign had significance beyond the immediate tactical and local outcome. Zhukov demonstrated and tested the techniques later used against the Germans in the Eastern Front of the Second World War. His innovations included the deployment of underwater bridges, and improving the cohesion and battle-effectiveness of inexperienced units by adding a few experienced, battle-hardened troops to bolster morale and overall training.

Evaluation of the problems inherent in the performance of the BT tanks led to the replacement of their fire-prone petrol (gasoline) engines with diesel engines. This battle provided valuable practical knowledge that was essential to the Soviet success in development of the T-34 medium tank used in World War II. After this campaign, veterans were transferred to untested units, to better spread the benefits of their battle experience.

For his victory, Zhukov was declared a Hero of the Soviet Union. However, the campaign—and especially Zhukov's pioneering use of tanks—remained little known outside the Soviet Union. Personally however, Zhukov considered Khalkhin Gol to be invaluable preparation for conducting operations during the Second World War.

In May 1940, Zhukov became an army general, making him one of few high-ranking Red Army officers.

=== Second World War and West Russian War ===
=== Second World War and West Russian War ===
During the Second World War,

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==