Great Asian War: Difference between revisions

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Mal0171 (talk | contribs)
Added Outcomes and Lore
Mal0171 (talk | contribs)
added trivia and updated infobox
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[[Manchuria]], [[Mengjiang]], [[Guangdong]] and all formerly Japanese-aligned Chinese warlords are absorbed into the [[National Protection Army]], turning into an authoritarian military dictatorship ruled by the NPA Military Council (Low Legitimacy)
[[Empire of Japan]] is dethroned as a participant in the [[Cold War]], due to their losses in the Chinese continent.
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}}The Great Asian War is a conflict that erupts between the [[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]] and the [[National Liberation Front]] sometime after the Fall of Nanjing to the [[National Protection Army]], though some may argue that the Great Asian War started in the beginning of the Western Insurrection between the [[Republic of China]] and NPA.
While governor of Xinan, [[Lu Han]] was away from his office on vacation, his cousin and former governor of Yunnan, [[Long Yun]] launched a coup against him and gathered the men needed to do so, taking control of the province and leading the NPA. The rapid military buildup to liberate China from what Long Yun saw as [[Empire of Japan|Japanese]] puppets caused significant concern to the [[Republic of China|republicanRepublican government]] in Nanjing, who sent the NPA an ultimatum, demanding that the province stand down or there will be war.
Ultimately, this ultimatum would be rejected, kickstarting the Western Insurrection. Due to the extreme manpower inequality between the two belligerents, an AI-controlled NPA would usually capitulate within a few months, with neither side garnering enough support to gain any allies. However, a player controlling either the [[Republic of China|Republic]] or [[National Protection Army|NPA]] could change that, either forcing a quicker victory if playing Nanjing, or prompting a [[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]] Intervention if playing Long Yun and pushing all the way into Nanjing, capitulating the republic.
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Additionally, managing the liberated lands for the NPA is essential to recruit, recover Production Units, and increase morale and legitimacy.
== Trivia ==
Should the NPA continue all the way to Korea, and reject Japanese offers of capitulation, nuclear missiles will be launched, leading to Thermonuclear War and World War 3