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{{Spoiler}}{{Infobox country|nativename=Непобедимая хунта Имперской Гвардии - Nepobedimaya Khunta Imperskoy Gvardii|rulingparty={{Ideology Icon Warlordism}} Klika Melkikh|hos=Ivan Melkikh|capital=Yugra|econtype=Banditry|flag=Imperial Airborne Brigades.png}}
''The remnants of the Regency's air force, never quite as politicised as the army, With the collapse of central authority, and its ranks filled with particularly nasty men under the rule of their commander, Ivan Melkikh, they've decided to make out like bandits, and loot and pillage the north of Russia. Using their massive helicopter fleet, they have fled north to the oil fields near the Arctic Circle, establishing themselves as a force of airborne raiders who live to pillage and plunder with impunity, still waving the flag of the Regent for the slightest facade of legitimacy.''


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