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=== As Chief Executive ===
'In every crisis, lies great opportunity', so the Western saying goes - unless you're Matsuzawa Takuji, in which case the more apt Eastern aphorism might be 'the carp on the cutting board.' With Yasuda Bank being taken apart by its creditors, the political establishment, and the media in Tokyo, Matsuzawa had his hands full simply putting the company's affairs in order in Guangdong. That is, until the former Chief Executive abandoned ship, with the remaining tycoons pushing the poisoned chalice into Matsuzawa's hands.
With communications from Tokyo all but severed, Matsuzawa has not been formally appointed by the Japanese government to his position. Nor does he have the luxury of waiting: the aftershock of Yasuda's collapse and the political turmoil in Tokyo has left Guangdong's budget deep in the red, scaring investors even as the local populace turn to crime and vice to make up for lost wages. The remaining tycoons jockey for position with honeyed words and convenient 'plans', no doubt aiming to become Chief Executive themselves once the dust clears.


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