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In Komi, Suslov is a mastermind of tricks and deceit, being able to manipulate the political scene of Komi, just like his fierce rival, Lev Gumilyov. However, the supposed final year of Nikolai Voznesensky is coming to an end, and he must act quickly, for it will mean his own demise if he does not tackle the problems of the current liberal democratic system he unfortunately found himself into.
== In-gameGame ==
Despite the fact of him being behind all the trickery, if player were to play as the communists in Komi, Suslov does not do the coup by himself alone and instead, he assigns Boris Ponomaryov to do all his dirty work before he can ascend to power. Once the regime has reunited the entire western Russian region and political rivals have been dealt with inside the party, Suslov ascends to power and declares the formation of the Western Russian Soviet Republic. After Onega has been dealt with either diplomacy or war, he begins to implement his anti-revisionist strain of Marxism-Leninism.
At the regional stage, Suslov's ideology, despite being proclaimed as anti-revisionist, resembles more of a Cold War type of communism as practiced in our timeline's Soviet Union, with political focuses, despite being progressive, feel like they are there to just pay somewhat of lip service to the masses than anything else. Economic focuses, as expected follow the line of Nikolai Bukharin's thought and other practices that are not entirely related to Bukharinism. Though at the super-regional stage, it is revealed that Suslov considers Stalinists and their way of thought to be revisionism.
In regards to diplomacy, he has the option like all communist unifiers to form the SocIntern organization, as opposed to rather simply joining the [[Organization of Free Nations]]. He can reunify with [[Irkutsk]], the [[People's Revolutionary Council]] and [[Tyumen]], as all of them follow Marxism-Leninism as their state ideology. Additionally, like other communist unifiers, he can integrate Kazakhstan back diplomatically into the USSR, if they're remain communist.
== Trivia ==


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