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He also closely followed the development of military thought in England, France, and Germany, and highly valued the developments of Fuller, Liddell Hart and de Gaulle, noting that their ideas were not accepted by the official military doctrines of England and France. Additionally, Tukhachevsky took part in military cooperation between the USSR and Germany in the period from 1922 to 1933; in 1932 he attended large maneuvers in Germany.
Tukhachevsky also took a keen interest in the arts, and became a political patron and close friend of composer [[Dmitry Shostakovich|Dmitri Shostakovich]]; they met in 1925 and subsequently played music together at the Marshal's home (Tukhachevsky played the violin).
=== The Second World War and the West Russian War ===
During World War II, at the outset of Operation Barbarossa, Tukhachevsky like many Soviet Generals fought hard against the German invaders, however he could not stop the Wehrmacht's march on Russia. Despite his best efforts, any attempted counterattacks would be beaten back, and soon the Red Army would be in full retreat, all the way to the Archangel-Astrakhan Line. The Soviet Union would collapse, with Stalin, Soviet Intellectuals and the Far East splintering into various states.
After the defeat of the [[Red Army]] and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tukhachevsky and most of his staff would find themselves in West Russia, where he would join the [[West Russian Revolutionary Front]] which was formed by the remnants of the [[Red Army]]. It was here he would plan the recapture of lost lands in the subsequent West Russian War, codenamed Operation Suvorov.
Under Marshal Yegorov's orders, his plan would be combined with another plan devised by his colleage Marshal Zhukov. Subsequently, he would lead Soviet Forces in the West Russian War, making a push into [[Reichskommissariat Moskowien]], catching German and collaborationist forces by surprise.
By Day 40, the WRRF was at the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and deep in West Russia, howeverwith Tukhachevsky vindicated of any skepticism of his plan. However, as a result of infighting within the command structure as well as factionalism from the West Siberian People's Republic, The Germans managed to rally together their forces and soon went on the counteroffensive, driving the Russians back from their hard fought gains.
During World War II, at the outset of Operation Barbarossa, Tukhachevsky like many Soviet Generals fought hard against the German invaders, however he could not stop the Wehrmacht's march on Russia. Despite his best efforts, counterattacks would be beaten back, and soon the Red Army would be in full retreat, all the way to the Archangel-Astrakhan Line.
Subsequently after this German counteroffensive, the WRRF would collapse, with various statelets forming in its wake. Despite their failure to liberate the occupied territories, they had managed to push back the AA Line by a significant margin.
After the defeat of the [[Red Army]], he would join the [[West Russian Revolutionary Front]] which was formed by the remnants of the [[Red Army]]. It was here he would plan the recapture of lost lands in the subsequent West Russian War, codenamed Operation Suvorov.
Under Marshal Yegorov's orders, his plan would be combined with another plan devised by Zhukov. Subsequently, he would lead Soviet Forces in the West Russian War, making a push into [[Reichskommissariat Moskowien]], catching German and collaborationist forces by surprise.
By Day 40, the WRRF was at the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and deep in West Russia, however, as a result of infighting within the command structure as well as factionalism from the West Siberian People's Republic, The Germans managed to rally together their forces and soon went on the counteroffensive, driving the Russians back from their hard fought gains.
Subsequently after this German counteroffensive, the WRRF would collapse, with various statelets forming in its wake. Despite their failure to liberate the occupied territories, they had managed to push back the AA Line by a significant margin.
After the West Russian War, Tukhachevsky remained in the WRRF, serving as one of its Marshals. During his analysis of why the WRRF collapsed, he would find that Mikhail Suslov was reponsible for the Front's collapse.
== Trivia ==
In OTL, Tukhachevsky was executed in what would be the start of the Great Purge on the 12th of June 1937, however, prior to this he was noted as one of the key men who reformed the Red Army prior to his execution. He would be politically rehabilitated during the Krushchev Era, at the insistence of the Red Army and the current Minister of Defence, Georgy Zhukov.
He would be politically rehabilitated on January 31, 1957 during the Krushchev Era, at the insistence of the Red Army and the current Minister of Defence, Georgy Zhukov.