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Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai: Difference between revisions

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The '''Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai''', also referred to as '''Shonan-Morai Gunseibu''', is a country in south-east Asia. It is a Japanese overseas territory administrated ruthlessly by the 25th Army. The '''Governorate''' is a member of the [[CPS|Co-Prosperity Sphere]]., It starts the game at war with thebordering [[Communism|Communist]] partisansRepublic of the [[UMAJFThailand|Thailand]] controlling a chunk ofto the '''Governorate'''<nowiki/>'s claimed north-west territory. This conflict develops in to the [[Malayan Emergency]] becoming one of the earliest conflicts of the [[The Cold War|Cold War]].
It starts the game at war with the [[Communism|Communist]] partisans of the [[UMAJF]] controlling a chunk of the '''Governorate'''<nowiki/>'s claimed north-west territory. This conflict develops in to the [[Malayan Emergency]] becoming one of the earliest conflicts of the [[The Cold War|Cold War]].
== History ==
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Subsequently, the 25th Army was stationed in the Malayan Peninsula, set to garrison the Empire of Japan's newly conquered territory, where they stayed for the next 20 years. It was during these 20 years that the 25th Army slowly grew lax in it's garrisoning duties, resulting in their ranks mostly staffed by Malayan collaborators.
== Trivia ==
The Shonan-Marai Administration also originally owned North Borneo before it was given to the North Borneo Military Administration. This nation was eventually turned into its current state in the Toolbox Theory Update.
Prior to this update, Malaya was originally under the total control of a Japanese colonial government known as the Federation of Syonan led by Sultan Ibrahim of Johor, a Japanese collaborator who served as a Puppet King to them.
He would have later passed from natural causes and be replaced by Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III, whom would enact reforms to turn Malaya into a Conservative Democracy led by Tunku Abdul Rahman


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