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#REDIRECT [[Ideologies#National Socialism]]
National Socialism, commonly known as Nazism, emerged in the early 1920s as an ideology fostered by the [[National Socialist German Workers Party|National Socialist German Workers' Party]]. Functioning as a variant of [[Fascism|fascism]], it displayed disdain for liberal democracy and parliamentary systems, intertwining elements of fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and eugenics. Rooted in pseudo-scientific racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism, Nazism envisioned Germans as part of an Aryan or Nordic master race, aspiring to forge a racially pure, homogeneous society—a people's community (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis sought to unify all Germans within historical German territory, pursuing territorial expansion under the Lebensraum doctrine while excluding those considered community aliens or "inferior" races. The term "National Socialism" aimed at creating a nationalist reinterpretation of socialism, rejecting Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality. It opposed cosmopolitan internationalism and advocated for subordinating personal interests to the "common good," emphasizing political priorities in economic organization, aligning with collectivism or communitarianism rather than traditional economic socialism.
Moreover, National Socialism rejected the Marxist notions of class struggle and universal equality. It stood against cosmopolitan internationalism and urged individuals to prioritize political interests over personal ones, emphasizing the importance of economic organization in serving the collective good.
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!'''Sub-Ideology (Name and Icon)'''
|[[File:nazismtno.webp|center|frameless]]Default (None)
|National Socialism, the iron fist clutching the heart of Europe for nearly thirty years, refers to various styles of fascism incorporating fervent racism, extreme militarism, and a totalitarian, one-party state where individuals are subordinated for the common good. It is distinct from other forms of fascism in its core tenets of brutally enforced racial hierarchy and aggressive, genocidal expansionism as "living space" for its nation's peoples.
In the German sense, Nazism holds several key tenets close to its black heart—anti-Semitism ingrained in every political action; a deep disdain for traditional liberal democracies, the parliamentary system, and capitalism; and finally, its strong hatred for Communism. While most National Socialist nations are either with or direct collaborators with the German Reich, the term is now often used to describe a variety of fascist movements around the world that echo Nazism's foundations, each with their own unique attributes, such as radical Japanese imperialism.
Nazism, with its roots deeply embedded in the tumultuous history of the mid-20th century, left an indelible mark on the political landscape. The brutal enforcement of racial hierarchy, aggressive expansionism, and totalitarianism characterize this dark chapter in history.
|[[File:National_Socialist_Orthodoxy_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]National Socialist Orthodoxy
|Orthodox Nazism emerges as a fervent reaction to perceived deviations from the essence of Adolf Hitler's will. Envisioned by its adherents as the true embodiment of the Führer's Endsieg and the architect of Germany's New World Order, this ideological strain vehemently rejects any dilution of its creed through factionalism. To devoted believers, those who preach "progress" or "strength" are dismissed as fattened pigs and opportunists, unworthy to dictate the trajectory of the Reich. In their eyes, the answer to Germany's destiny lies not in the proclamations of these interlopers but within the unyielding annals of History.
However, History proves to be an enigmatic and indifferent master, refusing to yield its wisdom easily. While ideologues articulate their convictions with apocalyptic fervor, the Orthodox strain reveals a nuanced landscape marked by hidden complexities and subtle contradictions. Martin Bormann, in his role as a proponent, dictates the tenets of a patchwork dogma, impervious to dissent. Through vague theses, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) is called to cleanse itself of "clingers-on" and "due payers," fostering the emergence of a new party cadre. This envisioned cadre, comprised of iron zealots, aims to wield dominance over every facet of society with a fervor that transcends the average man.
For the Orthodox National Socialist, the illogical and quixotic foundations of his ideology are inconsequential. Indifferent to the false pretenses upon which Bormann's vision rests, he perceives it as the logical evolution, the next step in the journey towards a Germany that mirrors Hitler's but surpasses it in intensity and purity.
|[[File:Reformed_National_Socialism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Reformed National Socialism
|The trajectory of ideologies that ascend to power inevitably undergoes a transformative evolution, and Nazism is no exception to this paradigm. In its nascent stages, the supreme authority of Nazism rested unequivocally in the hands of Adolf Hitler, encapsulated by the "Führerprinzip," where the Führer's word was the ultimate decree, defining Nazism at its core. However, as time elapsed and Hitler's direct influence within the party diminished, the once unassailable gatekeeper of National Socialist thought faced challenges in enforcing his will as the singular guiding force.
Amidst this power vacuum, Albert Speer emerged as a prominent figure seizing the opportunity for ideological recalibration. Spearheading a National Socialist praxis marked by a discernible departure from some of Hitler's more controversial policies, Speer sought to dilute aspects such as meticulous racial quantification, the elusive pursuit of economic autarky, the unwavering empowerment of the military, and even the zealous veneration of Hitler himself. This strategic departure from sacred tenets drew vehement criticism from more ardent adherents who labeled him a revisionist, factionalist, or even accused him of harboring intentions to replace Nazism with a perceived weaker and effeminate Italian fascism. Some went as far as branding him a crypto-democrat intent on annihilating Nazism entirely.
Yet, Speer's intentions, often misunderstood by his rivals, were not aimed at dismantling Nazism but at rescuing it from internal contradictions. Through pragmatic ideological concessions, he sought to excise the gangrenous elements while ensuring the vitality of the larger body. By tempering rampant militarism, Speer aimed to mitigate the risk of Caesarism within the general staff. Moreover, by permitting criticism of Hitler, he aimed to cultivate a cult of personality, veiled with an appearance of openness.
In essence, Speer's grand design aimed to transform National Socialism from a convoluted amalgamation of self-destructive contradictions into a streamlined and functional ideology, all while safeguarding its fundamental core. The envisaged transformation would maintain the framework of a one-party state, uphold ideals of racial purity, and, most crucially, preserve the unassailable authority of the singular Führer.
|[[File:Idiosyncratic_Nazism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Idiosyncratic Nazism
|At its core, National Socialism transcends mere ideological precepts; it is a comprehensive worldview, a state of thought, and an entire way of life, with the Aryan race serving as its fundamental heart and epicenter. To subject the Aryan people to the constraints of practicality or confine them within the boundaries of a German state is deemed the epitome of folly within the tenets of this ideology. The National Socialist dream, once relegated to dormancy at the feet of corrupt tyrants, persists as a resilient force.
In the face of challenges, this dream finds new life through the advocacy of figures like Theodor Oberländer and Georg Leibbrandt, who champion a distinctive strain known as Idiosyncratic Nazism. Unlike adherents of the pragmatism embodied by Speer or the dissenting voices accused of degeneracy, these reformist National Socialists commit themselves to a higher cause: the welfare of the Aryan people. Within the ranks of Idiosyncratic Nazis, diverse perspectives emerge, ranging from the belief that some designated "Slavs" possess Aryan blood to others who perceive them as a lesser, albeit not subhuman, race. Yet, they all share a common vision that extends beyond viewing the East as a vast slave pen for Lebensraum expansion; instead, they recognize potential allies in a global struggle against the perceived Judeo-Bolshevik menace.
Intriguingly, many proponents of Idiosyncratic Nazism advocate for a return to the populist roots of National Socialism, advocating for a recalibration of government policy that centers around the Aryan citizenry. To external observers, this ideological offshoot may appear as a perplexing amalgamation of contradictions, seemingly destined to crumble under the weight of its own complexity.
|[[File:Clerical_Fascism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Clerical Fascism
|Fascism, by its very nature, stands as a remarkably malleable and fickle ideology. Throughout its historical trajectory, from its early adoption by Benito Mussolini, it has showcased an inherent adaptability, allowing it to conform to the unique ideological needs and idiosyncrasies of those wielding its influence. Notably, even in its nascent stages, fascism demonstrated a proclivity for accommodation, making it susceptible to various interpretations and applications.
In exploring the expansive tapestry of fascist movements, a recurrent theme emerges – the fusion of fascism with religious fervor. This intersection is particularly pronounced in movements such as the infamous Iron Guard of Romania and the Ustase of Croatia, where the quest for power intertwines seamlessly with a desire to exert control over the spiritual dimensions of their respective nations. The resultant offspring of this intricate coupling is recognized on the world stage as Clerical Fascism.
While the amalgamation of religious influences within fascist movements is not unprecedented, these regimes often emerge as extremists, rivaling the fervor witnessed in National Socialism. Imbued with an unparalleled fanaticism, adherents of Clerical Fascism become consumed by theories of "salvation" intricately entwined with notions of race and nation. The practitioners of this ideology prophesy dire consequences unless their vision of racial purity is realized; a grim warning that suggests their people will face damnation both in the earthly realm and the afterlife.
|[[File:Stratocratic_Nazism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Stratocratic Nazism
|In the aftermath of the Second World War, the trajectory of Nazism took divergent paths, reflecting the ideological schisms that emerged within its folds. From the pragmatic reformism embodied by Speer to the steadfast orthodoxy championed by Oberländer, National Socialism underwent a multifaceted transformation, with various tendencies vying for ascendancy within the corridors of the Reichstag. Amidst this ideological kaleidoscope, one particular inclination rose to prominence, marked by the fervor of its main proponent – Joseph Goebbels' Stratocratic National Socialism.
Conceived by Goebbels in the early fifties, this strain gained momentum and found a vocal advocate in figures like Ferdinand Schörner following the untimely demise of the propagandist. Stratocratic National Socialism, in stark contrast to traditional Nazism, advocates for an intensified focus on the national military apparatus. At its core, this ideology calls for the implementation of stringent racial and antisemitic policies, an unwavering commitment to eugenics, and the exaltation of the very concept of war. Distinctively hawkish even among their fellow Nazi adherents, proponents of this ideology ardently advocate for a resolute stance against other major powers, firmly believing that victory in the Cold War is attainable through the uncompromising principles of Blood and Iron.
The proponents of Stratocratic National Socialism envision a militaristic renaissance, emphasizing the indispensability of military strength as the linchpin to their vision of a triumphant future. Their ideological stance posits that the Cold War can only be decisively won through an unwavering commitment to a robust military ethos.
|[[File:Technocratic_Nazism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Technocratic Nazism
|Within the complex landscape of the Nazi movement, a dichotomy arises between those who advocate for a comprehensive merger of social and economic realms with the National Socialist Party at the core and those pragmatists who emphasize the centrality of the State. The more activist-minded members envision a societal configuration where the Party serves as the gravitational force, drawing together the spheres of society, people, and economy into a cohesive whole. Their vision foresees a collision and accretion of these elements, crystallizing into a society seamlessly intertwined with the Party's ideals.
In contrast, the self-described pragmatists of National Socialism advocate for a reorientation towards the State, ushering in a nuanced diarchy between the State and the Party. The Technocratic Nazis align themselves with the State, although the extent to which the Party should be subordinated sparks internal debates. Some propose a return to the "looser" system reminiscent of the 1930s, while others advocate for the Party to adopt a purely cultural role. Despite these nuances, all members of this National Socialist strain concur on the necessity of distinctly defined and separate roles for the State and the Party, with the former assuming a superior position while ensuring the Party remains controllable.
Within the realm of Technocratic Nazism, the proponents of State supremacy envision a recalibration of power dynamics. They propose abandoning the rigid Führerprinzip in favor of an oligarchic cabinet of ministers, diminishing the influence of Gauleiters, and purging bureaucratic ranks of careerists, corruption, and bloated institutions. Prioritizing education and science, they envision economic reforms to dismantle corporate cartels. Crucially, their focus lies in capturing the machinery of government, placing it in the hands of an educated class of expert and devoted National Socialists.
|[[File:Stratocratic_Corporatism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Stratocratic Corporatism
|Stratocratic Corporatism, while not inherently fascist, undeniably draws inspiration from the core tenets of fascism. This inspiration manifests in the structuring of society according to a totalitarian, corporatist framework, wherein the military assumes a dominant role. The entirety of such a society becomes orchestrated to lend unequivocal support to the military, thereby contributing to the overarching well-being of the nation as a whole.
Beyond its corporatist, totalitarian structure, Stratocratic Corporatism often encompasses additional characteristics, and racial supremacy frequently emerges as a prominent, albeit not universal, element. Distinct from pseudo-scientific notions of a master race, as seen in Nazism, these societies tend to invoke a national spirit or mythology to bolster their assertions of racial superiority.
In the worldview of Stratocratic Corporatist societies, peace is perceived merely as a fleeting interval within an unending chain of wars. Consequently, the nation's physical and moral resources are perpetually poised for wartime mobilization. These governments grapple with the challenge of redirecting independently minded masses to look beyond personal concerns and focus on an abstract "destiny" for the nation. Compulsory membership in patriotic organizations, mobilizing marginalized segments of society into the workforce, and a constant demand for "token sacrifices" in the name of supporting an ever-expanding military are all strategies within the purview of such regimes. The inherent belief within these nations is that they cannot experience defeat, and the populace unwaveringly places its faith in the government's assurances that such declarations will endure.
|[[File:Spartanism subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Spartanism
|For certain adherents of National Socialism, its past triumphs have forever immortalized its success, attributing its failures solely to specific misfortunes or political missteps. According to this perspective, the Reich, despite its imperfections, requires no radical overhaul; rather, it only demands reform or rejuvenation to perpetuate the existing status quo, ultimately relegating Germany to the status of just another enduring empire.
However, for Reinhard Heydrich and his fervent followers within the Deutsche-SS, such complacency is far from satisfactory. It will never suffice for them. In contrast to the Himmlerites, who immersed themselves in esoteric pursuits, and the Waffen-SS, who betrayed their cause for personal gain, Heydrich and his devotees harbored a distinct vision that diverged sharply from the perceived corruption of the NSDAP and the perceived degeneracy of liberals.
Their vision transcended the mundane, conceptualizing a society reminiscent of an ancient past—one that was superior, simpler, and purer. In this envisioned realm, men were warriors, women were mothers, and all forms of profligacy and weakness were eradicated. Cities marred by filth were replaced by barracks-towns and country estates, where the pure Aryan race diligently drilled for war and worked the land. Progeny were honed to perfection through purges and bloodshed, drawing inspiration from Heydrich's romanticized depiction of the Spartans as the ancient manifestation of Aryan supremacy. Their fervent belief held that when the world revolved upon the axis of Germany, even history itself would bend to the Führer's will.
To the true believers of National Socialism—the SS—it falls upon their shoulders to bring this promised land to fruition. Infused with the spirit of Sparta and reforged in the crucible of the Volksgemeinschaft, they envision a Reich that stands eternal. Even if the cost is measured in rivers of blood overtaking the sea, with countless millions choking and perishing, and the foundations of utopia laid upon the mass grave of all mankind, it is deemed a sacrifice worth making.
|[[File:Revolutionary_Nazism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Revolutionary Nazism
|The trajectory of the National Socialist Revolution has become a contentious subject within the Nazi movement, with fervent internal debates questioning the extent to which their ideology has truly reshaped societal relations. Behind closed doors, steadfast National Socialists often grapple with the haunting question of whether their revolutionary fervor has pushed far enough. The resounding response is typically a stern negative, accompanied by an unwavering commitment to drive even harder, to eschew compromise in the relentless pursuit of their ideological objectives. What some within the movement perceive as compromise, even among fellow Nazis, becomes a rallying point for the so-called revolutionary faction.
Revolutionary Nazism emerges as a distinctive tendency within National Socialism, advocating for an unyielding commitment to the ideological vision that transcends the boundaries of compromise. In this vision, the NSDAP transforms into a mobilizing force propelling a mass revolutionary-reactionary movement, intent on dismantling class barriers and undertaking a complete overhaul of social and economic structures. The radical tenets of Revolutionary Nazism envisage the annihilation of conservative forces, to be replaced by the omnipotent Party-state, while market systems, the Church, and non-Party entities in the army and civil service are slated for eradication. Large private enterprises would dissolve in the pursuit of a corporatist ideal, to be rearticulated and nationalized. The envisioned Ständestaat, a state-controlled corporatist economy, would encompass the activities of small and medium businesses and their middle-class managers, creating a society where every facet of life orbits around the party-state, becoming both the subject and object of the National Socialist Revolution.
Although Revolutionary Nazism experienced a decline after the tumultuous events of 1934, particularly the Röhm purge, echoes of its fervor persist among a handful of dedicated Gauleiters, SA men, and DAF officials. Despite the seemingly permanent malaise that befell the movement, the fervor of Revolutionary Nazism endures.
|[[File:Rosenbergite_Tendency_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Rosenbergite Tendency
|In the vast tapestry of movements, both grand and minuscule, a recurring theme emerges—the perennial struggle against orthodoxy. Among these crusaders, some are hailed as great men, battling against the rise of malevolent systems, vehemently defending rights and liberties. Others, like Alfred Rosenberg, found themselves embroiled in a more self-serving political struggle. Yet, even as time elapses and the dust of historical conflicts settles, the ideas, policies, and conceptions of such individuals persist, leaving an indelible mark on the ideological landscape.
The elusive Rosenbergite Tendency does not coalesce into a structured movement but instead comprises a diverse array of characters who, in one capacity or another, regard the ideas of Alfred Rosenberg as the quintessential German policy toward the East. For Rosenberg, a Baltic German, the East held more significance than merely a tract of land to colonize—it embodied a collection of nations awaiting upliftment and purification, a strategic wedge to dismantle the Russian nation entirely. Although the man himself has faded into obscurity in Germania, his policies continue to exert influence in the East, where his vision of the Reichskommissariats has not entirely lost its luster.
Intellectuals and thinkers, even years later, still find themselves drawn to Rosenberg's words, viewing them as a pragmatic and humanitarian policy that might have averted the maelstrom gripping the East. However, it is crucial to recognize that, despite this affinity for Rosenberg's ideas, adherents of the Rosenbergite Tendency remain firmly tethered to the broader National Socialist ideology. They share an unbreakable bond with the Reich and its violence, mirroring their colleagues in unwavering allegiance.
|[[File:Naturalised_National_Socialism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Naturalised National Socialism
|National Socialism, birthed in the crucible of Germany and shaped by the unique contours of German racial identity and conditions, encountered a perplexing quandary as its influence expanded across much of Europe. The collision between this inherently German ideology and the diverse identities of collaborators within Eastern European nations, subjected to the mantle of German colonialism, gave rise to a distinctive offshoot—Naturalized National Socialism.
Unlike its more formally codified German counterpart, Naturalized National Socialism defies easy categorization, often adopting a highly personalized, almost ad-hoc application within Eastern Europe. Emerging as a product of conditions that necessitated a divergence from National Socialist tenets deemed incompatible, this ideology lacks the rigid formalization found in more established regimes. Its defining characteristic lies in the supremacy accorded to the national and cultural traits of its practitioners, a departure from the ethos of Nazi colonialism emanating from Germania.
The divergences inherent in Naturalized National Socialism extend beyond a mere departure from the tenets enforced by Germania. Often, these differences arise from practitioners basing their ideologies on entirely separate underpinnings, concealed beneath a superficial National Socialist facade. In other instances, it stems from practitioners aligning too closely with their own nation's characteristics, even when genuinely attempting to emulate the German model. The resilience of these seemingly contradictory regimes remains an open question, posing an intriguing challenge to whether they will endure as steadfastly as the envisioned Thousand-Year Reich.
|In the annals of 1953, a pivotal moment unfolded when Chairman Alfonso Uribe Misas of the Nationalist Action Party meticulously penned a grand manifesto, one that would echo through the corridors of Colombian ideology—the manifesto of Ariocriollismo. With resounding fervor, it proclaimed Criollos, individuals of European or mestizo descent in Colombia, as the master race not only within the nation's borders but ascribing them equal stature to the Aryan race in Germany. Enthralled by the triumphs of the European Aryans during the Second World War, adherents of Ariocriollismo pledged unyielding loyalty to Germany, aspiring to emulate their success in the fertile grounds of Colombia, the cherished homeland of the Criollos.
Central to the Ariocriollismo doctrine is the profound belief that an Aryan essence resides within every Criollo, awaiting awakening through a stringent regimen of discipline, enlightenment, and virtue—the foundational axes of the ideology and the path toward realizing their inherent superiority. These virtues, intricately woven into the fabric of Criollo identity, implore individuals to recognize their superior European heritage and to adopt the methodologies of the first-emancipated nation, Germany.
The inclusive reach of the Criollo concept extends beyond racial or color distinctions, beckoning any white or mestizo Colombian to rouse themselves from their figurative slumber and embrace the mantle of Ariocriollo. Yet, the doctrine takes a different stance for races such as the Afro-Colombian and the Indigenous, rendering it impossible for them to unlock the Aryan potential within a Criollo. Instead, their aspirations are confined to willingly assimilating into Ariocriollo culture and traditions, earning them the honorific prefix of 'Virtuous' before their racial identity. The alternative, for these races, is a stark binary—enslavement. As for the so-called 'Enemy Races' residing within Colombia, their fate is cast into a narrow corridor with only two options: escape or extermination. The Ariocriollo dream, according to this ideology, is incompatible with the presence of perceived impediments—vile Judaeans and foreigners.
|[[File:Esoteric_Nazism_subideology.png|center|frameless]]Esoteric Nazism
|Long before National Socialism burgeoned into a continent-conquering force, it thrived as a multifaceted movement, defying homogeneity and orthodoxy. From the pinnacles of power to the intricate labyrinths of Party bureaucracy, commitment to the ideals espoused by the state exhibited a kaleidoscopic spectrum, particularly at the individual level. To the skeptic, National Socialism might appear as an ill-fated concoction, a dubious blend of cynical politics interwoven with the less commendable facets of the German national character. From this perspective, the ascendance of Nazism seems nothing more than evidence of a world careening into madness.
Yet, how narrow-minded and unenlightened such a view proves to be. Amidst the cacophony of skepticism, there exist privileged souls who perceive in the tenets of National Socialism an ethos that transcends all others—an ethos capable of obliterating established truths and norms, unveiling the elusive path to utopia. For these fervent believers, the scales have been lifted from their eyes, and nothing else holds significance. Materialism, rationalism, morality—all exposed as transient illusions in a world marred by degeneracy and manipulated by sinister forces. To the enlightened, both subhumans and many Aryans remain oblivious to this newly illuminated reality. Yet, as long as the light of truth persists within a single uncorrupted heart, the flame of hope for the pure race endures. National Socialism, in their eyes, unfurls its wings in glory, beckoning all to follow it to whatever end, for it embodies the way, the light, and the truth.
|[[File:Burgundian_System_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Burgundian System
|As the tides of fortune turned against Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War, a cohort of fanatical and unorthodox members within the Nazi Party, spearheaded by the enigmatic Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, grappled with the daunting challenge of reconciling their unwavering belief in the supremacy of National Socialism with the stark and increasingly unfavorable reality unfolding around them. Amidst the gathering shadows, a profound conviction emerged within this clandestine faction—they were the chosen few, uniquely equipped to salvage and preserve the true essence of National Socialism that they believed had been lost in the decadence and chaos of the collapsing Third Reich.
Quietly distancing themselves from the disintegrating political structures of the Reich, they embarked on a covert mission to construct parallel systems that would uphold their purified vision of Nazism. When Himmler assumed control over the SS-Ordensstaat Burgundy, he commenced the implementation of this distinct and unimpeded interpretation of National Socialism. Much like the elusive nature of the Reich's ideological goals centered around Hitler's increasingly erratic statements, the tenets of the Burgundian System remain remarkably ill-defined. Attempting to unravel its intricacies necessitates an analysis of Himmler's inscrutable actions and cryptic beliefs, ranging from vague and seemingly contradictory ideals such as agrarianism and hyper-industrialization to the establishment of a Germanic neopagan state religion and a foray into the realms of the occult.
What remains unequivocal, however, is the regime's commitment to pushing Nazi policies to an unparalleled extreme. The SS assumes an exalted position above all other social strata, draconian racial hygiene laws are rigorously enforced, and National Socialist theory is deliberately interwoven into every facet of daily existence. The regime, under Himmler's iron-fisted rule, imposes an unparalleled degree of totalitarianism upon the entire population, driven by the aspiration to eradicate any potential sources of decadence or complacency. The success or potential outcomes of this draconian approach remain shrouded in secrecy, known solely to the enigmatic Reichsführer Himmler.
|[[File:Imperial_Cult_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Imperial Cult
|In the solemn hours of the 17th of July 1918, Bolshevik revolutionaries orchestrated the tragic execution of the Romanov imperial family in the dim confines of a cellar beneath Yekaterinburg. Logically, this macabre event should have concluded the tale of House Romanov, casting them into the annals of history. However, the specter of the Romanovs persisted, haunting the collective consciousness of Russia. In the midst of revolution, warfare, and the dissolution of the old order, whispers circulated that perhaps one of Nicholas's progeny had eluded fate. As the fractures within the nation deepened, fantastical beliefs emerged, asserting that the Romanov children were in clandestine hiding, destined to return one day and usher in a renaissance of Russian greatness. These fantastical notions gradually coalesced around a singular figure, Sergey Taboritsky, and his imperial cult venerating the long-lost Alexei.
This shadowy movement, a mere husk of its former self, clings together through a patchwork of fear, imperial nostalgia, and vehement antisemitism. Its singular objective: to expedite the return of Alexei to Russia. Devotees ardently advocate for the mobilization of all state resources towards purification, ardently awaiting the savior's return once the Russian populace has proven themselves "worthy" of his presence. The movement's proponents fervently endorse the systematic extermination of Russia's minorities, the enforced impoverishment of the masses, and the erection of grandiose imperial monuments. The structure of their mass surveillance and draconian punishment draws inspiration directly from the purified realms of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien and its leader, Josias—a figure openly admired by Taboritsky.
Yet, the movement's endurance remains shrouded in uncertainty. Each passing day without the return of their anticipated savior compounds the desperation within the cult.
|[[File:Deep_Ecology_Nazism_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Deep Ecology Nazism
|The pristine dove, symbolizing peace, manifests its essence in the purity of white, embodying the natural order that prevails. Nature, devoid of kindness or acceptance, merely exists in its disciplined and thrifty state, portraying an austere peace through its own intrinsic balance. Within nature's domain, diverse clades of human beings coexist, each rooted in a unique place of origin, transcending the notion of a single, universal human race. It is in this intricate tapestry that Ecology emerges as the science of natural divisions, the science of nations, and ultimately, the science of the Fatherland.
From the crucible of industrial warfare arose Deep Ecology Nazism, a distinctive strain of National Socialism forged in response to the harrowing excesses of war. Its early adherents, witness to the brutal carnage and environmental degradation of Aryan lands in wars of aggression, felt the profound impact of mercury seeping into the soil and observed tanks pressing soldiers into the earth until man and mud intermingled. War, they believed, tainted both Aryan man and his living space. In response, Deep Ecology Nazism envisions a tranquil land where Aryans harmonize with their surroundings, singing of overgrown tillage and monumental mountains that, like stone ribs, symbolize their profound unity with the Fatherland. This ideology strives to reestablish a sustainable connection with the land akin to that of the Aryans' forebears, with adherents solemnly vowing to defend the land, even utilizing the tools of the Industrial Revolution if necessary.
In the realm of Deep Ecology Nazism, the ideal state of nature resides in the absence of the foreign, where the Aryan's land is exclusively his own. Within this sacred territory, slavery is nonexistent, for subhumans have long been purged by the natural order. War finds no place in the Aryan's land, as he already possesses his living space, his ancestral birthright, and the cherished land of his forefathers. Harmony and freedom flourish, entwined with nature and nation, fostering a sense of oneness in the Aryan land.
|[[File:Antarctic_Administration_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Antarctic Administration
|Since the commencement of the Antarctic scramble in the 1950s, the vast expanse of the frozen continent has become a theater of geopolitical contention, hosting a complex mosaic of competing territorial administrations. Initially sparked by a border dispute between the Chilean and Argentinean regimes, the situation escalated into an international incident necessitating the intervention of the Organization of Free Nations. Amidst the struggle for dominance, National Socialism manifested itself in the form of Nazi-controlled Neuschwabenland, advocating for the colonization of Antarctica by the pure, Polar, Aryan race. Adding to the tumult, the Japanese, with little regard for legitimate claims, forcefully seized their own portion of Antarctica.
Despite the distinctive ideological underpinnings of each administration, the unforgiving realities of life in the desolate expanses of the Great White Nothing, coupled with the absence of a substantial civilian populace, have cultivated a degree of conformity among the regimes. All operate under some form of military governance, whether directly in control, as seen in Japan's case, or in collaboration with civilian partners, exemplified by the Organization of Antarctic Administration (OAA).
Beneath these hierarchical structures, thousands of personnel toil relentlessly in the biting cold and relentless winds, striving to rationalize their presence on "the Exiled Continent." Each power endeavors to extract some semblance of value from their frigid domain, yet many observers dub this collective endeavor the epitome of the sunk cost fallacy. None of the competing powers can afford to withdraw while the others persist, irrespective of the monumental losses incurred in terms of finances, resources, or human lives.
|[[File:Antarctic_Administration_Ahnenerbe_subideology.webp|center|frameless]]Antarctic Administration (Ahnenerbe)
|Under the banner of "Ancestral Heritage," the enigmatic organization known as the Ahnenerbe has been entrusted, since its inception in 1935, with the formidable task of unearthing archaeological evidence validating the purported biological superiority of the Aryan race. Forged by the directive of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, this eclectic assembly comprises archaeologists, theoreticians, and fervent Nazi ideologues, constituting a dedicated force that has diligently scoured the global landscape and its diverse cultures for tangible proof of Aryan Racial Theory. Over the past three decades, their relentless pursuit has led them from the expansive Reichskommissariats of the Lebensraum to the impenetrable jungles of Latin America, where agents of the Ahnenerbe have engaged in excavation, acquisition, and even theft of artifacts, with a particular emphasis on human remains.
The Ahnenerbe's unwavering mandate propels them to traverse the very extremities of the Earth in their quest for irrefutable evidence. Their ventures encompass a broad spectrum of projects, spanning from the peculiar Hollow Earth Theory to the ambitious Quest for the Irminsul, each dominating the minds of the Ahnenerbe's leadership. Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers, acting under Himmler's explicit orders, has embarked on a perilous expedition to Antarctica, driven by the mission to substantiate the World Ice Theory. This theory postulates that the world and its entirety originate from a glacial formation enveloping our observable universe. The scientific community universally derides the fantastical theories and illicit practices of the Ahnenerbe, much of which is deemed blatant fabrication and outright falsehoods. Despite the condemnation from the wider scientific community, these outlandish theories form the foundational bedrock of the National Socialist cause, shaping their deliberate denial of reality.
Under ordinary circumstances, the Ahnenerbe is perceived as an eccentric and extreme collective. Yet, the inhospitable conditions of Antarctica pose an unprecedented challenge to their psyches.

Latest revision as of 21:46, 11 May 2024