Pierre Boisson

From TNOpediA

Pierre François Boisson (born 19 June 1894 in Saint-Launeuc, Cotes du Nord) is the current Governor General of French Madagascar. A veteran of the First World War, Boisson decided to take up a career in the colonial administration. Siding with the French State as the Third French Republic capitulated the German Reich, he would be reassigned to various French African holdings, until his reassignment to Madagascar.

Pierre Boisson
Pierre Boisson in 1962
Governor-General of the Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies
Personal details
Native namePierre François Boisson
Date of birthJune 19th, 1894
Place of birthSaint-Launeuc, Cotes du Nord, (Third) French Republic
Age at start67 years old
RoleLeader of French Madagascar
Political partyDépartements et régions d'outre-mer
Ideology Colonial Government

In Game Description.[edit | edit source]

Pierre Boisson is a man haunted by failure. After serving - and losing a leg - in the First World War, Boisson overcame his loss to quickly shoot up the ranks in various colonial administrations in French Africa, from Brazzaville to Dakar. Yet the Second World War would shatter the rising star's dreams.

Facing the onslaught of the Nazi war machine, Boisson swore fealty to the eagle; whether it was to "defend the Empire'' as he claimed, or to escape being swallowed whole, only he may know. Regardless of his motivations, his new career would be marked by constant reshuffling from West Africa to Equatorial Africa and back again until the general strikes of 1948 in Conakry and Dakar forced his hand. Boisson's violent crackdown was the spark that blew the remnants of the French Empire on continental Africa to smithereens. For this sin, the suited men in Paris relegated him to the Einheitspakt’s isolated frontier: Madagascar.

Now, Boisson sits as guardian of an island that is as much his prison as it is for the Malagasy he rules over. While order is kept by the garrison from Germania, all parties are aware to whom their true loyalties lie. Amidst crescendoing tensions with the natives and stewing in a sea of his own failures, Boisson can only hope that when - not if - the seams of Madagascar burst open, he will not be swallowed whole by his mistakes.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Pierre Boisson was born in Saint-Launeuc, Cotes du Nord on 19 June 1894. His mother was a teacher and his father was a disabled war veteran. Growing up, he would take after the occupation ambitions of his parents to become a schoolteacher until the First World War broke out.

When the First World War started, Boisson held the position of second lieutenant in the 71st Infantry regiment. He would serve and see combat in the battles of Artois, the Argonne, and at Verdun. Over the course of the war, Boisson would be wounded multiple times, with the most severe resulting in one of his legs amputated in 1917 after the Battle of Verdun.

Service in Colonial Administration[edit | edit source]

After being educated in the Colonial School postwar and rising to the top of his class, he would start his career in the French Colonial Administration. In 1920, he was appointed as an assistant administrator at Brazzaville in the Congo. Over the next twelve years, he spent his career working in various African posting within the French colonies. By 1932, Boisson had been designated the chief of cabinet role of the under secretary of colonies.

Between 1938 and 1939, Boisson served as temporary governor-general of the AOF, governor-general of the AEF, and governor of the Congo.