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</center>]]'''Reichskommissariat Ukraine''' is a colony of the [[Greater Germanic Reich]] established in 1941. Its situated in eastern Europe, on the lands formerly belonging to the Ukrainian SSR. Its characterized by the gut-wrenching systematic oppression perpetrated against the native Slavic population, overseen by Reichskommissar [[Erich Koch]], the man at the helm of this state-sized torture chamber.
The colony is usually referred to as the "'''Breadbasket of the Reich'''", for it serves little other purpose other than to provide the [[Einheitspakt]] with the fruits of its rich fields to the rest of the [[Einheitspakt]], leaving only the leftovers for the natives who toil to produceupon itthem.
Ukraine is a region that is apivotal part of the Lebensraum program, a plan outlining eastern Europe as a settlement frontier for the Aryan race. Its characterized by the destruction and erasement of all traces of the Ukrainian culture, with almost every major city in the land being germanized both in name and architecture. The government enacts not just second-class treatment, but genocidal policies against the local population such as the "[[Hunger Plan]]" aimed to starve out the local population of whats now known as Kiew-Stadt, and prepare it for German settlement.
UnlikeStill unlike other people'speoples that wereare deemed as "undesirables", such as Jews, the Slavic population wasnisn't the priority on the Nazi regime's chopping block for the Nazi regime. As the currentGermans regime seessee it, the Slavic inhabitants of this land are not long for it, as Ukraine is destined to one day be inhabited purely by Aryans, but in the meantime purely for pragmatic reasons, they're allowed to live as slaves to the Reich, although "live" might be considered an overstatement.
=== In-Game Description ===


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