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==== An Unstable Government ====
===== The Broken Council =====
The Council of the Syrian National State, even if officially called a federal council, is actually led by four highly estimed military officers<ref> OTL, all four of these people were either dictators of Syria, Authoritarian presidents or participated in coups against other government of Syria. </ref> collaborating with the Turkish government. Even if their morals are different, they still agree on most policies as they are all authoritarian right-wing. Adib al-Shishakli, director of the council, is also to note here. Corruption and manipulation, however, are growing deep into the roots of the council, and the Turkish government seems to do nothing about it..
===== Down South We Fear =====
What was once the [[Triumvirate]] is now but a time bomb that is approaching its explosion; and we will be the first one to feel the shock. The border between us and the [[Governatorato del Levante]] has recently started being one of the most militarised and defended borders in the entirety of the alliance. A war is approaching, and it seem that the Syrian people are heavily preparing for it too.
== Trivia ==
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