TNOpediA:Election: Difference between revisions

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And either:
* Be a "primary contributor" or part of the current staff or
* Be an active member of the community with atleastat least 50 edits
(Requirements are subject to change)
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Like this:
<nowiki>*Speech of the canidatecandidate*</nowiki><br>
<nowiki>* ~~~~ # <--- Signatures of the voters</nowiki><br>
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<nowiki>* ~~~~</nowiki><br>
If a candiatecandidate is nominated for both positions, the votes of the different positions wont be counted together. The one with the most votes for the bureaucrat postitonposition and the three with the most votes for the Admin position will be put in place. (In the event someone wins both positions, the one will just become burechratbureaucrat while the 4th place in admins will become admin.)