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* Summer: A group of young Caribbean revolutionaries assembled in Cuba begin planning an invasion of the Dominican Republic to overthrown Trujillo with the secret backing of the Cuban government. These revolutionaries form the first Caribbean Legion.
* September: The Caribbean Legion launches a military expedition from Cayo Confites, Cuba to the Dominican Republic, but it fails. In response, the Dominican Republic bombs several locations in Cuba.
* Unknown: The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan 's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country
* Unknown: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga founds Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation in Kenya to economically uplift the Luo people
* Unknown: The Battle of Chongqing ends with a Japanese victory, ending the Japanese invasion of China and the Second World War in Asia.
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* February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking [[Arturo Frondizi]] as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín in the Argentine Presidential Elections.
* March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major electoral win in the 1958 federal election.
* UnknownJune 9: The Snipe War breaks out between Argentina and Chile over a disputed border in the Beagle Channel
* July 14: The Golden Square goverment is overthrown in Iraq through a revolution lead by the Free Officer Movement.
* October 9: Pope Pius XII dies
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* Unknown: Nikolai Voznesensky is elected President of Komi
* Unknown: [[Burgundy|Ordensstaat Burgundy]] is established as an agreement between Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in light of the [[SS Rebellion]]
* Unknown: The Snipe War breaks out between Argentina and Chile over a disputed border in the Beagle Channel
* Unknown: Li Ka-shing splits from Sony to establish Cheung Kong Enterprises to sell Sony-made goods to the Chinese and Zhujin markets.


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