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(→‎1961: Minor edit.)
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* November: US Spy Planes discover that Japan had been installing ICBM on the Hawaii island of Kaui.
* November: US Spy Planes discover that Japan had been installing ICBM on the Hawaii island of Kaui.

* December: Nixon reveals the presence of Japanese missiles in Hawaii and sends a US naval forces to blockade the island, Japan launched their own force to face off against the US fleet. A full-on war is avoid thanks to Vice President Kennedy advocating for negations.
* December: Nixon reveals the presence of Japanese missiles in Hawaii and sends a US naval forces to blockade the island, Japan launched their own force to face off against the US fleet. A full-on war is avoid thanks to Vice President Kennedy advocating for negotiations.

Revision as of 12:45, 1 February 2024



  • June 16: With the Red army victory over White Army Remnants in Yakutia, the Russian Civil War is finally over



  • January 30: Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler, leading to his rise in power.



  • November 5: Republican candidate Thomas Dewey wins the election for President of United States beating the Democratic candidate Harry Hopkins.


  • December 7: The Imperial Japanese Navy launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor destroying many U.S. naval ships


  • June 7: The US Pacific Fleet is destroyed by the Japanese at the Battle of Midway


  • Early 1943: The Republic of Ireland with German backing invades Northern Ireland.
  • April: The German launches an invasion of the British Island called Operation: Sea Lion.
  • June 3: Argentine military coup the government in response to government effort to remove a prominent pro-axis military officer from his cabinet post


  • November 7: Thomas Dewey barely wins a second term as US President thanks to Eisenhower initial success in holding off the German in Scotland and division among the Democrats


  • April: Allied forces withdraw from Scotland, ending the European part of the Second World War.
  • July 4: A German bomber drops an atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor wiping out the US Pacific Fleet
  • Late August: President Dewey signs the Akagi Accords that both surrenders the US's pacific territories to the Japanese and create a non aggression pact with the Germans formally ending the Second World War.


  • May 9: Afghan Prime Minister Sadar Mohammd Hashim Khan is replace by his brother Shah Mahmud Khan under the order of Mohammed Zahir Shah to hopefully move the country in a progressive direction.


  • The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan 's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country


  • Members of the Wesh Dzalmian are elected to the Afghan Wolesi Jirga



  • After November 11: In response to Juan Peron winning that year's presidential election, members of the Argentine government and military attempted a self-coup to prevent him from coming into power.


  • Before February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking Arturo Frondizi as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín


  • January 1: Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista flees to the Dominican Republic after Cuban revolutionaries win a major victory over the government.


  • Cameroon People Republic sends small raids into the German controlled Congo



  • December: US President Estes Kefauver breaks the Akagi Accords by declaring Hawaii a US state under Japanese occupation and declare an oil embargo on Japan. In response Japan begins placing ICBM in Hawaii


  • November: US Spy Planes discover that Japan had been installing ICBM on the Hawaii island of Kaui.
  • December: Nixon reveals the presence of Japanese missiles in Hawaii and sends a US naval forces to blockade the island, Japan launched their own force to face off against the US fleet. A full-on war is avoid thanks to Vice President Kennedy advocating for negotiations.