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{{Infobox country
| above = <center>United Kingdom of Great Britain</center>
| name = United Kingdom of Great Britain
| bodystyle = width:305px;
| nativename =
| flag = Flag of Great Britain (1707–1800).svg
| labelstyle = width:100px;
| flagsize =
| image1 = [[File:Flag of Great Britain (1707–1800).svg|250px]]
| caption1 = ''Flag of Great Britain''
| flaglabel = Flag of Great Britain
| image2 = [[File:Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom_(Tudor_crown)_(TNO).svg|x150px]]
| coa = Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom_(Tudor_crown)_(TNO).svg
| coasize =
| caption2 = ''Coat of Arms of Great Britain'' <hr> '''TAG = ENG'''
| coalabel = British Coat of Arms
| header1 = <center>Politics</center>
| tag = ENG
|label2 = Capital
|data2 = [[London]]
| capital = [[London]]
| ideologyiconfile = Fascism british fascism subtype.png
|label3 = Ruling Party
|data3 = [[File:Fascism british fascism subtype.png|25px]] [[British People's Party|British People's Party]]
| rulingparty = [[British People's Party]]
| electiondate =
|label5 = Head of State
|data5 = [[Edward VII|King Edward VII]]
| hos = [[Edward VII|King Edward VII]]
| hog = [[Barry Domvile|Prime Minister <br />Barry Domvile]]

| sphere = German
| label6 =
| alignment = Mitstreiter
Head of Government
| gdp = 85.90
| data6 =
| credit = Acceptable
[[Barry Domvile|Prime Minister <br />Barry Domvile]]
| creditstyle = GER

| econtype = Free Market Capitalism
| header7 = <center>Diplomacy</center>
}}The '''United Kingdom''', officially the '''United Kingdom of Great Britain''', is a country in western Europe and a German satellite state spanning Great Britain and several of the smaller British Isles. A nation with a long history of imperialism, most of its colonies were lost by the end of the [[World War II|Second World War]] , which also saw the nation fall under the control of the [[Greater Germanic Reich|Greater German Reich]] and a collaborationist '''Mistreiter (client state)''' being installed.
|label8 = Sphere
|data8 = {{German Sphere}}
|label9 = Foreign Alignment
|data9 = {{Mitstreiter}}
| header10 = <center>Economy</center>
|label11 = GDP
|data11 = $85.90B
|label12 = Credit Rating
|data12 = {{Credit GER Acceptable}}
|label13 = Market Type
|data13 = {{Free Market Capitalism}}
| abovestyle = {{{Abovestyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}
| headerstyle = {{{Headerstyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}
The '''United Kingdom''', officially the '''United Kingdom of Great Britain''', is a country in western Europe and a German satellite state spanning Great Britain and several of the smaller British Isles. A nation with a long history of imperialism, most of its colonies were lost by the end of the [[World War II|Second World War]] , which also saw the nation fall under the control of the [[Greater Germanic Reich|Greater German Reich]] and a collaborationist '''Mistreiter (client state)''' being installed.

== Politics ==
== Politics ==