United States of America: Difference between revisions

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Those hopes would be dashed in atomic fire.
[[File:Atomic cloud over Hiroshima - NARA 542192 - Edit.jpg|alt=Detonation of the Heisenberg device over O'ahu|thumb|254x254px|The Atomic bombing of Pearl Harbor, on the 4th of July, 1945]]
On July 4th, 1945, Pearl Harbor, having most of the US Pacific fleet moored in harbor, a German Me.264 bomber took off from Iwo Jima, evading US radar on Saipan and Midway, dropped [[Nuclear Bombs|a new weapon]] on the harbor below: the Atomic bomb. At 8:39AM, the Heisenberg Device (the Nazi codename for the Atomic bomb used on Pearl Harbor) [[detonated over Pearl Harbor and Honolulu]]. 50,000 people were killed within the initial detonation, with more succumbing to burns and radiation. The remainder of Pacific Fleet was annihalated by the bomb, and President Dewey soon sued for peace.