
From TNOpediA

Urajio (formerly known as Vladivostok) is a city currently administered by the Empire of Japan

Photograph of Urajio
State GDP$0.43B
Culture Dongbei (with a Japanese and Korean minority born from the colonization of Manchuria)

In-Game Description[edit | edit source]

Some cities are born naturally, rising from fertile plains on great rivers or natural defensive points and built up from centuries. If so, Vladivostok was born by C-section, carved out of Manchuria by the Aigun Treaty to serve as the lynchpin of Russia's military and naval might in the Far East. It is thus bitterly fitting that she now finds herself returned in some way to all three of her mothers - granted in theory to an ostensibly Chinese authority, returned at some future date to a feasibly Manchu monarch, but ruled for now by a definitely Japanese presence. Uraijo is still primarily dominated by Russians, including both the 'old stock' and the hundreds of refugees fleeing the Anarchy. Despite the neon signs laden with Chinese characters fixed hurriedly on the cracked marble buildings and churches, the city is still recognizable, offering some facsimile of a home long lost. Yet despite this, change has come. Where the Russians avoid the docks, the Chinese have arrived in numbers, and straddled between them, the Koreans - trapped as the middlemen between Japan's empire and herself. Here is a city trapped by her past, being impossible to truly integrate into either Japan or Manchuria. With every passing year, however, she drifts further away from the Russian consciousness too - perhaps, with time, she will become an entity all to herself, a monument to all those that ever called the Far East home.