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{{Spoiler}}{{Infobox country|abovestyle={{{Abovestyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}|bodystyle=width:305px;|capital=Birsk|hos=Yuri Evtukovich|rulingparty={{Ideology Icon Imperial Cult}} Imperial Guard Command - Ural Region|nativename=Орден Чистоты Святой Руси - Orden Chistoty Svyatoy Rusi|tag=MAR|flag=Flag Ural Purification Zone.webp|flaglabel=Flag of the Ural Purification Zone|econtype=Burgundian System}}
''One of several Purification Zones established in the [[Holy Russian Regency]] to eradicate undesireable ethnicities in Russia, the Ural Purification Zone has withstood the violent collapse of the Empire. After losing contact with their superiors, the regional [[Shturmoviki]] commanders has decided that, until new orders arrive, they will continue pursuing the last holy orders they received from the regent: exterminate all enemies of Holy Russia. Like Taboritsky's H.R.R, their personal favorite weapons are chemical weapons that were given to them by Taboritsky. While sharing some similarities to the [[Dirlewanger Brigade]], Evtukovich and his troops outshine the Brigade in their cruelty, making them look less monstrous in comparison. The U.P.Z wishes to see the Urals and their enemies eliminated, no matter what it takes and no matter who they are. The horrors that they cause and witness never deter them. The Ural Purification Zone doesn't have any ambitions beyond fulfilling Taboritsky's last orders: to maintain imperial rule over Kazan, and exterminate the Holy Russian Empire's enemies.''
The '''Ural Purification Zone''' was a Russian administrative and military district under Regent [[Sergey Taboritsky]], and a de-facto independent state under the leadership of [[Yuri Evtukovich]] when the Holy Russian Empire collapses after Taboritsky dies. One of several Purification Zones established in the Holy Russian Empire to eradicate undesireable ethnicities in Holy Russia, the Ural Purification Zone has withstood the violent collapse of the Empire. After losing contact with their superiors, the regional Shturmovik commanders has decided that, until new orders arrive, they will continue pursuing the last holy orders they received from the regent: exterminate all enemies of Holy Russia. Like Taboritsky's H.R.E, their personal favorite weapons are chemical weapons that were given to them by Taboritsky. While sharing some similarities to the Dirlewanger Brigade, Evtukovich and his troops outshine the Brigade in their cruelty, making them look less monstrous in comparison. The Brigade, at least, had aspirations of power and plunder, which is more than what could be said for Evtukovich and his ideological zealotry, and they actually accepted Slavs and Kazakhs into their ranks if they were just as brutal as Dirlewanger was. They are fueled by rage in their situation, embittered and driven desperate by the collapse of the empire around them, and the only purpose they see in themselves is the execution of those deemed "subhuman". The U.P.Z wishes to see the Urals and their enemies eliminated, no matter what it takes and no matter who they are. The horrors that they cause and witness never deter them. The Ural Purification Zone doesn't have any ambitions beyond fulfilling Taboritsky's last orders: to maintain imperial rule over Kazan, and exterminate the Holy Russian Empire's enemies.
While sharing some similarities to the Dirlewanger Brigade, Evtukovich and his troops outshine the Brigade in their cruelty, making them look less monstrous in comparison. The Brigade, at least, had aspirations of power and plunder, which is more than what could be said for Evtukovich and his ideological zealotry, and they actually accepted Slavs and Kazakhs into their ranks if they were just as brutal as Dirlewanger was. They are fueled by rage in their situation, embittered and driven desperate by the collapse of the empire around them, and the only purpose they see in themselves is the execution of those deemed "subhuman". The U.P.Z wishes to see the Urals and their enemies eliminated, no matter what it takes and no matter who they are. The horrors that they cause and witness never deter them. The Ural Purification Zone doesn't have any ambitions beyond fulfilling Taboritsky's last orders: to maintain imperial rule over Kazan, and exterminate the Holy Russian Empire's enemies.
Upon unification thorugh non canon Arcade Cheats, they will be known as the Purity Order of Holy Russia, continuing the nightmarish endless process of purifying Russia of 'undisirerablesundesirables'.


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