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|[[File:Idea GNG between two worlds.png|link=|Between Two Worlds]]<br/>{{color|khaki|Between Two Worlds}}
|As a nominally independent state serving as a de facto economic appendage of Japan, Guangdong is a geopolitical accident - and its people and government suffer from an identity crisis as a result. With a majority Chinese population ruled by a small class of Japanese expatriates, and a small (but growing) group of Cantonese-Japanese residents after over a decade of colonial rule, the people of Guangdong have little attachment to Guangdong as a political concept - but neither are they keen to bow to the will of Nanjing or Tokyo.
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|Stability: {{color|lightcoral|-20.00%}}<br/>War Support: {{color|lightcoral|-20.00%}}<br/>Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|lightcoral|-0.10}}<br/>{{color|lightcoral|Cannot train units, disband units, or edit unit templates.}}
|[[File:Idea GNG corruption the finest money can buy.png|link=|Culture of Corruption - The Finest Money Can Buy]]<br/>{{color|khaki|Culture of Corruption - The Finest Money Can Buy}}
|A historic inclination towards small - some might say meager - government, massive volumes of financial transactions, and loose oversight have all contributed to turn Guangdong's government into a breeding ground for corruption and graft. The temptation to accept 'tea money' is a universal one, and makes the business of government far more difficult to conduct as extra effort and funding is needed to make sure directives are processed.
|Monthly Corruption Gain: {{color|lightcoral|+0.90%}}<br/>Impact on Real GDP: {{color|lightcoral|-0.25%}}<br/>Republic of China Opinion Cap: {{color|lightcoral|-5.00%}}
|[[File:Idea GNG security pervasive kenpeitai networks.png|link=|Pervasive Kenpeitai Networks]]<br/>{{color|khaki|Pervasive Kenpeitai Networks}}
|Ever since Guangdong's establishment, the Kenpeitai have played an outsize role in providing security and intelligence services - often eclipsing Guangdong's small and underfunded local police. Many locals view the Guangdong Police Force as little more than the glorified auxiliaries to the Japanese military garrison and its intelligence apparatus, enforcers of a clear ethnic hierarchy in Guangdong that pervades nearly all aspects of life.
|Chinese/Zhujin Government Support Cap: {{color|lightcoral|-20.00%}}<br/>Republic of China Opinion Cap: {{color|lightcoral|-30.00%}}<br/>Police State Control Cap: {{color|lightcoral|-60.00%}}
|[[File:Idea GNG fiscal sound.png|link=|Fiscal Health - Sound]]<br/>{{color|khaki|Fiscal Health - Sound}}
|"The Chief Executive's doing a damn good job keeping Guangdong's money under control I daresay; most impressive work. Nowhere else I'd want to put my money in than Guangdong." This is the kind of praise that comes out of the average investor's mouth when he is asked about the fiscal health of Guangdong.
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|Guangdong Civil Administration<br/><small>Kanton Minseifu</small>
|[[File:Fascism corporate statism subtype.png|30px|link=|Corporate Statism]][[Ideologies#Subideologies_10|{{color|chocolate|Corporate Statism}}]]
|{{icon|gng}} [[Suzuki Teiichi]]
|Legislative Council - Business Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Zaikaiha</small>
|[[File:Despotism corporatocracy subtype.png|30px|link=|Corporatocracy]][[Ideologies#Subideologies_8|{{color|darkgray|Corporatocracy}}]]
|{{icon|yasuda}} [[Matsuzawa Takuji]]<br/>{{icon|matsushita}} [[Matsushita Masaharu]]<br/>{{icon|fujitsu}} [[Ibuka Masaru]]
|Legislative Council - Civic Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Minseiha</small>
|[[File:Paternalism corporate paternalism subtype.png|30px|link=|Corporate Paternalism]][[Ideologies#Subideologies_7|{{color|silver|Corporate Paternalism}}]]
|{{icon|sony}} [[Morita Akio]]<br/>{{icon|cheungkong}} [[Li Ka-Shing]]
|Legislative Council - Central Committee<br/><small>Rippoukai - Chuou Iinkai</small>
|[[File:Fascism corporate statism subtype.png|30px|link=|Corporate Statism]][[Ideologies#Subideologies_10|{{color|chocolate|Corporate Statism}}]]
|{{icon|fujitsu}} [[Ibuka Masaru|Ibuka Masaru]]<br/><small>''Following passage of The Guangdong Future Act''</small>
|Legislative Council - Manchuria Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Manshūha</small>
|[[File:Reform Bureaucracy New.webp|30px|link=|Reform Bureaucracy]][[Ideologies#Subideologies_10|{{color|chocolate|Reform Bureaucracy}}]]
|{{icon|hitachi}} [[Komai Kenichirō]]
|IJA - Martial Law<br/><small>The Imperial Japanese Army - Martial Law</small>
|[[File:Ultranationalism ultramilitarism subtype.png|30px|link=|Ultramilitarism]][[Ideologies#Ultranationalism|{{color|dimgray|Ultramilitarism}}]]
|{{icon|gngija}} [[Nagano Shigeto]]
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''In-Game descriptions of individual mechanics, further information can be found in the respective subpages.''
===[[File:LegCo Icon.png|40px|link=]] The Legislative Council===
[[File:Guangdong LegCo Start.png|320px|thumb|right|Composition of the Legislative Council at the start of 1962|link=]]
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|Legislative Council]]''
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The Chief Executive proposes the ordinances of the {{icon|legco}}{{color|salmon|Legislative Council}}, and should {{color|yellow|50 seats support the ordinance}}, it will go into effect. The businessmen are not bound loyally to a corporation however. For the {{color|yellow|ordinances of Guangdong}}, the usual voting period for it is {{color|yellow|30 Days}}, though exceptions can occur in special cases. An ordinance usually does not survive {{color|yellow|without changes}} and might need amendments which will be proposed by other parties to seek out more than {{color|yellow|5}} amendments. Whenever a bill's vote had been concluded, it will be archived in the {{color|yellow|ordinance history}}, and will stay there to document the history of {{color|salmon|Guangdong's Legislative Council}}.
===[[File:GNG Suzuki Succession.png|40px|link=]] Suzuki's Succession===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|Suzuki's Succession]]''
====The Next Chief Executive====
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...And what becomes of {{icon|yasuda}}{{color|yellow|Yasuda}} itself? Its mighty empire laid low by the economic crisis that bears its name, {{icon|yasuda}}{{color|yellow|Yasuda}}'s remaining assets are to be slated to be auctioned off to repay its creditors. For Guangdong's government, the auction will serve as a {{color|palegreen|valuable source of income}} from commission alone; for the {{color|yellow|tycoons}}, it is an {{color|palegreen|unprecedented opportunity}} to {{color|lightcoral|pick clean the carcass}} of their {{color|yellow|rival}} for a bargain. Whether at a fair parice or not, someone will {{color|palegreen|walk away with the lion's share}} of {{icon|yasuda}}{{color|yellow|Yasuda}}'s business empire - and with it, the loyalty of Yasuda's abandoned men in the Legislative Council.
===[[File:Guangdong Regions Icon.png|40px|link=]] Regions of Guangdong===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|Regions of Guangdong]]''
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Though it might not seem like in the midst of the bustling cities of the Three Pearls, {{color|salmon|Guangdong}} is a major refuge as well for the outcasts and criminals of Japanese and Chinese society, the Chinese {{icon|triad}}{{color|limegreen|Triads}} and the Japanese {{icon|yakuza}}{{color|mediumvioletred|Yakuza}}. Our own {{icon|gpf}}{{color|cornflowerblue|Police}} force is not enough to stop these forces from overrunning our nation and turning it into an opium den, but the ones who help us police these groups are as ferocious and corrupt, if not more so. The Japanese {{icon|kenpeitai}}{{color|darkred|Kenpeitai}}, who hold ht people obedient through violence and force. The amount a group controls each state and potentially {{color|yellow|the majority of Guangdong's regions}} will have major effects on the different demographics support for {{color|salmon|Guangdong}}, {{icon|china}}{{color|dodgerblue|Chinese}} and {{icon|japan}}{{color|saddlebrown|Japanese}} support for our government and how {{icon|corruption}}{{color|lightcoral|corrupt}} or not our society will be.
===[[File:Three Evils Guangdong Icon.png|40px|link=]] Three Evils of Guangdong===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|Three Evils of Guangdong]]''
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And beyond it all, {{icon|corruption}}{{color|lightcoral|corruption}} seeps into every crack and crevasse, lock up the gears of government with {{color|lightcoral|vice}} and {{color|lightcoral|apathy}}. Even if some would say such is fate of a nation that worships the yen beyond anything else, nobody enjoys having to deal with {{icon|corruption}}{{color|lightcoral|corruption}} - {{color|lightcoral|rotting away at souls, cheapening work, and crimping profits}}.
===[[File:RnD Guangdong Icon.png|40px|link=]] The Product Cycle===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|The Product Cycle]]''
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A Product Cycle typically lasts {{color|yellow|100 days}}, after which our creation will be put to the test in the murky waters of capital, depending on how well both {{color|orange|the quality}} and the {{color|deepskyblue|popularity is}}. Release a product of {{color|yellow|immense quality and popularity}}, and watch the political clout of its parent company skyrocket; release an {{color|red|inferior}} product, however, and everything might come crashing down...
===[[File:PTRG Icon.png|40px|link=]] The Product Testing Research Group===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|The Product Testing Research Group]]''
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We are also able to manufacture additional test-equipment {{color|lightcoral|should too much of it be lost in combat}}, though this will {{color|lightcoral|cost}} both time and money.
===[[File:Miracle Pearl River Icon.png|40px|link=]] Miracle on the Pearl River===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|Miracle on the Pearl River]]''
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Therefore, keeping {{color|yellow|our spending}} and {{color|lightcoral|debt}} in control is of {{color|yellow|great importance}} for maintaining the {{color|chocolate|Miracle on the Pearl River}}.
===[[File:Guangdong Riots Icon.png|40px|link=]] The Guangdong Riots===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Mechanics)|The Guangdong Riots]]''
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''In-Game descriptions of individual paths, further information can be found in the respective subpages.''
===[[File:Matsushita_Icon.png|40px|link=|Matsushita Masaharu]] Matsushita===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Paths)#Matsushita|The Ascendant Heir]]''
The Legislative Council has voted to elect {{color|darkgray|Matsushita Masaharu}} of {{icon|matsushita}}{{color|gainsboro|Matsushita Electric}} as the new Chief Executive of Guangdong. Representing a middle ground between Guangdong's {{color|mediumvioletred|reformists}} and {{color|red|corporate hardliners}}, {{color|darkgray|Matsushita}} promises and administration guided by tempered reform and economic expansion. However, {{color|darkgray|Matsushita}} is neither an engineer nor a salesman, making him something of an outsider among Guangdong's {{color|red|ruling class}}. Whether this will prove his {{color|darkred|undoing}}, or rather the greatest {{color|palegreen|opportunity}} to prove himself yet, remains to be seen.
===[[File:Sony_Icon.png|40px|link=|Morita Akio]] Sony===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Paths)#Sony|The Gadgeteer of Guangdong]]''
The Legislative Council has voted to elect {{color|tan|Morita Akio}} of {{icon|sony}}{{color|red|Sony Corporation}} as the new Chief Executive of Guangdong. A voice of {{color|mediumvioletred|reform}} on the Pearl Delta, {{color|tan|Morita}} is a champion of Guandong's {{color|yellow|Cantonese}}-{{color|red|Japanese}} {{color|mediumvioletred|Zhujin}} class, and will seek to improve the status of the state's {{color|yellow|native population}}. However, {{color|tan|Morita's}} new administration is not without its opponents, especially from Guangdong's {{color|red|Japanese elite}} and {{color|red|corporate hardliners}}, embodied by {{color|tan|Morita's}} former business partner Ibuka Masaru.
===[[File:Fujitsu_Icon.png|40px|link=|Ibuka Masaru]] Fujitsu===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Paths)#Fujitsu|The Silicon Visionary]]''
The Legislative Council has voted to elect {{color|darkgray|Ibuka Masaru}} of {{icon|fujitsu}}{{color|deepskyblue|Fujitsu Limited}} as the new Chief Executive of Guangdong. A brilliant engineer and key figure among Guandong's {{color|red|corporate hardliners}}. {{color|darkgray|Ibuka}} seeks to build a meritocratic, technocratic state, free to pursue technological innovation free of restraint. This digitized vision of the future, however, does not include much regard for Guangdong's {{color|yellow|native population}}, and {{color|darkgray|Ibuka's}} opposition to reform is sure to draw ire, especially from his former business partner {{color|tan|Morita Akio}}. But {{color|darkgray|Ibuka}} is no stranger to emnity, and Guangdong will bend to his will, one way or another. {{color|deepskyblue|For the Pearl Delta is but a canvas, and Ibuka Masaru hold the brush.}}
===[[File:Hitachi_Icon.png|40px|link=|Komai Kenichirō]] Hitachi===
''Main article: [[Guangdong (Paths)#Hitachi|Hail Hitachi]]''
One singular night. In the space of six hours, the course of South Chinese history has been changed {{color|lightcoral|forever}}. What months of preparation, planning and deals has culminated in, Komai has executed in one, final masterstroke. The Big Four Corporations in {{icon|gng}}{{color|salmon|Guangdong}} lie shattered, their leaders in limbo of what their place in {{color|tan|Komai's}} new order shall be, and {{icon|hitachi}}{{color|tan|Hitachi}} rules as its maestro, its leader, its God.
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{{color|lightcoral|Those who will not bow to Komai, will be hanged by him.}}
===[[File:IJA_Icon.png|40px|link=|The Imperial Japanese Army]] IJA Coup===
''Main article: [[The Guangdong Riots (MechanicPaths)#OutcomesIJA Coup|IJA Coup of Guangdong]]''
{{color|red|Guangdong was a mistake.}}
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{{Iconbox|Asia's Finest|We reformed the GPF and exorcised corruption.|image=Achievement GNG asias finest.png}}
{{Iconbox|The Curtain Falls|The tale of Guangdong has ended.|image=Achievement GNG the curtain falls.png}}
{{Iconbox|A Worthy Heir|Matsushita Masaharu proved himself in times of trouble.|image=Achievement GNG a worthy heir.png}}
Line 227 ⟶ 226:
{{Iconbox|Crossing the Rubicon|Komai Kenichirō is his own master now.|image=Achievement GNG crossing the rubicon.png}}
{{Iconbox|Rigged From the Start|Komai Kenichirō lies bound by his masters.|image=Achievement GNG rigged from the start.png}}
==See Also==
* [[Guangdong (Characters)]]
* [[Guangdong (Mechanics)]]
* [[Guangdong (Paths)]]


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