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===[[File:Communist bolshevism subtype.png|frameless]][[Bolshevism]]===
[[File:Communist bolshevismcommunist.png|center|500px|frameless]]
Bolshevism is a term referring to former General Secretary and de facto leader of the Soviet Union Nikolai Bukharin's codification of his version of Leninism. While still calling for the violent overthrow of capitalism and a revolutionary dictatorship, it stresses freedom of socialist thought and political pluralism within the vanguard party itself, a pluralistic cultural sphere with minimal state interference, and an overall cautious, measured, and pedagogical attitude towards the construction of a communist society, holding that the people should learn to support socialism on their own terms and that coercive or militaristic methods to accomplish such will be both inhumane and counterproductive. In the Soviet Union itself, this led Bukharin and his faction of the Communist Party to controversially back continuation of the NEP and independent peasant agriculture, believing that forced collectivization as hardline figures advocated would be tantamount to "waging war on the population."
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Seeing the enactment of quasi-Leninist policy to be essential to the rebirth of the Arab nation in the zealous flames of revolutionary fire, they decry the founding duo's abandonment of Marxist dialectics and instead profess a vision strongly influenced by the theories of Marx, Lenin, Bukharin and other militant revolutionaries from across the spectrum of radical leftist politics. This deviant radicalism is seen most clearly in their frequent clashes with the intellectual orthodoxy of the party over the topic of class and the very definition of socialism.
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Trotskyism, refered to as Bolshevik-Leninism in TNO, is an unused ideology based on the OTL ideology of Trotskyism, the ideology of Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky, infamously Stalin's main rival following the death of Lenin.
==[[File:Socialism ideology.png|frameless]]'''[[Socialism]]'''==


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