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The '''Economy''' in TNO is a mostly unique and very in depth in-game mechanic which allows players to manage their nation's inflation, trade, expenditures, tax rates, and debt and much more. TNO's economy mechanic has existed within its current state since the [[Toolbox Theory (update)|Toolbox Theory]] update. All of the economy in TNO is calculated in measures of 1960 USD, even if, of course, the world doesn't only use this currency.
The '''Economy''' in TNO is a mostly unique and very in depth in-game mechanic which allows players to manage their nation's inflation, trade, expenditures, revenues, debt, allocation of production units and much more. TNO's economy mechanic has existed within its current state since the [[Toolbox Theory (update)|Toolbox Theory]] update. All of the economy in TNO is calculated in measures of 1960 USD, even if, of course, the world doesn't only use this currency.

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An economic {{icon|usdred}}{{color|lightcoral|Deficit}} is caused if {{color|yellow|spending}} is {{color|lightcoral|more than national revenue}}, and will lead to an {{color|palegreen|increase}} in the {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|gainsboro|nominal GDP Growth}} as long as it continues. However, debt will also increase by the monthly deficit every month, along with a cost in {{icon|politicalpower}}{{color|yellow|political power}}. A {{color|lightcoral|deficit}} is often superior to a {{color|palegreen|surplus}}, allowing the country to expand their economy {{color|yellow|greatly}}, but a {{color|lightcoral|high deficit}} can also lead to {{color|darkred|extreme debt}}.
An economic {{icon|usdred}}{{color|lightcoral|Deficit}} is caused if {{color|yellow|spending}} is {{color|lightcoral|more than national revenue}}, and will lead to an {{color|palegreen|increase}} in the {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|gainsboro|nominal GDP Growth}} as long as it continues. However, debt will also increase by the monthly deficit every month, along with a cost in {{icon|politicalpower}}{{color|yellow|political power}}. A {{color|lightcoral|deficit}} is often superior to a {{color|palegreen|surplus}}, allowing the country to expand their economy {{color|yellow|greatly}}, but a {{color|lightcoral|high deficit}} can also lead to {{color|darkred|extreme debt}}.

===War Taxes===
War Taxes can be enacted in times of need, when a war takes too much of a toll on the national economy, and when the cost of enacting it are deemed worth the economic boost. It requires the country to be at war, which makes it especially useful for countries which find themselves in conflict often, sending volunteers to [[Cold_War#Proxy_Conflicts|Global Conflicts]] doesn't count. It costs {{icon|politicalpower}}{{color|yellow|50 Political Power}} to enact.

{{color|gainsboro|Enacting War Taxes will grant:}}<br>
{{color|gainsboro|Business Tax Rate:}} {{color|palegreen|+15.00%}}<br>
{{color|gainsboro|Income Tax Rates:}} {{color|palegreen|+15.00%}}

{{color|gainsboro|At the cost of the following debuffs:}}<br>
{{color|gainsboro|War Support:}} {{color|lightcoral|-7.50%}}<br>
{{color|gainsboro|GDP Growth:}} {{color|lightcoral|-1.50%}}<br>
{{color|gainsboro|(Temp)}} {{color|yellow|Draft Exemptions}} {{color|gainsboro|policy effectiveness}} {{color|lightcoral|-10.00%}}

==Economic Warnings==
==Economic Warnings==