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[[File:TNO Economy GDP.png|right|link=]]
The {{color|palegreen|Gross Domestic Product}}, or {{color|palegreenyellow|GDP}}, mechanic includes two functions, the main{{icon|usdgreen}}{{color|palegreen|GDP mechanic}} and {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|palegreen|GDP Growth}}. The {{color|palegreen|GDP Growth}} is determined by subtracting {{icon|inflation}}{{color|lightcoral|Inflation}} to the {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|palegreen|Nominal GDP Growth}}. It greatly affects a nation's economy by expanding your states {{color|yellow|GDP}}.
==={{icon|powerprodunit}}GridProduction PowerUnits===
Three sub-notions are included in this. The first one, '''Surplus''', happens when the nation's revenue is higher than its expenditures. Its effects are that it makes '''Inflation''' go up and '''GDP growth''' go down. The second one, '''Deficit''', happens when the nation spends more than what it has. This greatly affects a nation's economy by weakening '''Inflation''' and investing in '''GDP growth''', however, it also fills it's '''debt''' and, in the long term, could put it in '''Financial Crisis'''. Finally, the third one, '''Reserves''', which fills up after some focuses or when the national budget is in '''Surplus'''.
A country's industrial potential, based on its {{color|yellow|GDP}}, is represented in the form of {{icon|produnit}}{{color|palegreen|Production Units}}. These units can be allocated freely between {{icon|civ}}{{color|lightcoral|Civilian Factories}}, {{icon|mil}}{{color|palegreen|Military Factories}} and {{icon|toaster}}{{color|cornflowerblue|Consumer Goods}}. The number of assignable units is limited by the nation's production of {{icon|power}}{{color|yellow|Grid Power}}, which is increased by building {{color|yellow|Power Plants}}.
{{icon|civ}}{{color|lightcoral|Civilian Factories}} are used to construct new buildings on the map in the {{color|yellow|Construction}} tab.
The '''GDP Growth''' mechanic is determined by subtracting '''Inflation''' to the '''Nominal GDP Growth'''. It greatly affects a nation's economy by expanding your states GDP.
{{icon|mil}}{{color|palegreen|Military Factories}} can be assigned to produce material in the {{color|yellow|Production}} tab. {{icon|produnit}}{{color|palegreen|Production Units}} assigned to {{icon|mil}}{{color|palegreen|military production}} can be divided into multiple less efficient {{icon|workshop}}{{color|orange|workshops}}, in order to more easily balance our production lines. Such action will {{color|palegreen|double}} ({{color|yellow|2x}}) the number of our military factories but {{color|lightcoral|decrease the output}} by {{color|lightcoral|50.00%}}.
{{icon|toaster}}{{color|cornflowerblue|Consumer Goods}} are a resource that can be exchanged on the {{color|yellow|Trade}} tab. Each month, the civlian populace will demand a certain amount of these goods. The player must satisfy their demands via a combination of our own products or foreign {{color|yellow|imports}}.
==={{icon|gdppower}}SurplusGrid and DeficitPower===
{{color|yellow|Grid Power}} is used to power your nation's economy, and is produced by {{color|yellow|Power Plant}} buildings. {{icon|power}}{{color|yellow|Grid Power}} acts as a cap on the number of {{icon|produnit}}{{color|palegreen|Production Units}} which can be assigned. Should the number of {{icon|produnit}}{{color|palegreen|Production Units}} exceed {{icon|power}}{{color|yellow|Grid Power}}, the {{icon|produnit}}{{color|palegreen|Production Units}} wille simply become unused and will not contribute to the national econonmy.
[[File:TNO Economy Inflation.png|right|link=]]
{{icon|inflation}}{{color|lightcoral|Inflation}} is considered one of the most annoying economyeconomic featurefeatures in TNO, since there is not many ways to relieve the effect of {{color|lightcoral|inflation}} without damaging your economy in the process. One option is in the {{color|lightcoral|inflation}} subsection, the {{color|yellow|Central Bank Policies}} slide bar, which gives you multiple policies you can enact to guide the economy in a certain direction. The four {{color|yellow|Central Bank Policies}} are:
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[[File:TNO EconomyUSA BudgetStarting DeficitBudget.png|rightthumb|link=]]
{{color|lightcoral|ExpenditureExpenditures}} isare divided into 4 sub-spendingssections:
[[File:TNO Economy Budget Deficit.png|right|link=]]
{{color|lightcoral|Expenditure}} is divided into 4 sub-spendings:
{{icon|redbox}} {{color|lightcoral|Military Spending}}, is the cost of maintaining {{color|seagreen|Divisions}}, {{color|steelblue|Navy Ships}}, {{color|silver|Airforce}} and {{color|indianred|Nuclear Stockpiles}}.
* Military spending, the cost to maintain soldiers, ships, an airforce, nukes and more
* Civilian spending, all the costs that go into healthcare, welfare, education. and social systems
{{icon|yellowbox}} {{color|gold|Civilian Spending}}, is the cost of Social Programs, Administrative Costs and Research Funding.
* Debt servicing, the money that goes into repaying the interests on debt owed
* Other costs, all things that are miscellaneous
{{icon|orangebox}} {{color|orange|Debt Servicing}}, is allocated to paying off the {{color|lightcoral|National Debt}}, determined by the {{color|yellow|Interest Rate}}.
{{icon|purplebox}} {{color|plum|Other Costs}}, which is miscellaneous expenditures.
{{color|palegreen|Revenue}} is also divided into into 4 sub-revenuessections:
[[File:TNO Economy Budget Surplus.png|right|link=]]
{{color|palegreen|Revenue}} is also divided into 4 sub-revenues:
* Income tax, mostly known as tax on the working populace.
* Business tax, taxes on the industries, small medium enterprises and big businesses
* Excise revenue, the money that comes from exports and tariffs.
* Other revenue, all money that comes from other sources.
{{icon|tealbox}} {{color|teal|Income Tax}}, which comes from workers both above and below the {{color|yellow|Poverty Line}}.
==={{icon|gdp}}Surplus and Deficit===
{{icon|greenbox}} {{color|green|Business Tax}}, which comes from {{color|cornflowerblue|Consumer Goods Production}}, taxed at a certain percentage.
==={{icon|power}}Grid Power===
{{icon|bluebox}} {{color|dodgerblue|Excise Revenue}}, which comes from {{color|yellow|Sales Taxes}} and {{color|yellow|Tarriffs}}.
{{icon|indigobox}} {{color|mediumpurple|Other Revenue}}, which is miscellaneous revenue.
==={{icon|gdp}}Surplus and Deficit===
An economic {{icon|usdgreen}}{{color|palegreen|Surplus}} is caused if {{color|yellow|spending}} is {{color|palegreen|less than national revenue}}, and will lead to a {{color|lightcoral|decrease}} in the {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|gainsboro|nominal GDP Growth}} as long as it continues. However, the country will gain extra {{color|dodgerblue|reserves}} and avoid the {{icon|politicalpower}}{{color|yellow|political power}} cost from a {{color|lightcoral|deficit}}. A {{color|palegreen|surplus}} can save the economy from expanding debts, but {{color|lightcoral|harms the economic growth}}.
An economic {{icon|usdred}}{{color|lightcoral|Deficit}} is caused if {{color|yellow|spending}} is {{color|lightcoral|more than national revenue}}, and will lead to an {{color|palegreen|increase}} in the {{icon|gdpgrowth}}{{color|gainsboro|nominal GDP Growth}} as long as it continues. However, debt will also increase by the monthly deficit every month, along with a cost in {{icon|politicalpower}}{{color|yellow|political power}}. A {{color|lightcoral|deficit}} is often superior to a {{color|palegreen|surplus}}, allowing the country to expand their economy {{color|yellow|greatly}}, but a {{color|lightcoral|high deficit}} can also lead to {{color|darkred|extreme debt}}.
==Economic Warnings==


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