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==={{icon|usdblue}} Reserves===
The {{color|dodgerblue|National Reserves}} gives the player some extra versatility in the economy, such as through {{color|yellow|paying off their}} {{color|lightcoral|debts}} {{color|yellow|or}} {{color|palegreen|investing}} {{color|yellow|it}}. Reserves are gained through National Focuses, Events or by having a{{icon|usdgreen}}{{color|palegreen|surplus}}. However, reserves should be spent whenever it is possible, since {{color|lightcoral|holding on to them will cause the GDP growth to stagnate}}. By default, due to the {{color|yellow|Auto Payment}} function, {{color|dodgerblue|Reserves}} are automatically used to pay off {{color|lightcoral|National Debt}} by the end of the month.


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