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| rowspan="45" |Russian Unification
|''"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."'' - Franz Kafka
|No More the Fool
|[[Amur]] variant.
|''"In a hundred years time, perhaps, a great man will appear who may offer them a chance at salvation. He'll take me as a model, use my ideas, and follow the course I have charted."'' - [[Adolf Hitler]]
|Triumph of the Will
|[[Aryan Brotherhood]] ([[Gutrum Vagner|Vagner]]) variant.
|''"A thunderstorm was in our air; the nature that we are became dark - for we had no way."'' - Friedrich Nietzsche
|Hail Perun
|[[Aryan Brotherhood]] ([[Velimir]]) variant.
|''"My actions are guided by only one desire: to do what is in my power so that our people, a good, mighty people of our Motherland, wake up from political hibernation."'' - [[Valery Sablin]]
| rowspan="2" |Lenin Lives Again
|[[Buryatia]] ([[Communism|Bolshevist]]) variant.
|''"Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful. Be positive and believe that the Revolution will always win."'' - [[Valery Sablin]]
|[[Buryatia]] ([[Communism|Communist]]) variant.
|''"However doomed a man may be, he still has the freedom of thought that can carry him over the past and the future, the attribute that cannot be taken away by tyrant or circumstance."'' - Dmitry Volkagonov
| rowspan="2" |God Save the Tsar
|[[Chita]] ([[Mikhail II|Mikhail]]) variant.
|''"Russia has only two allies; the army and the navy."'' - Alexander III
|[[Chita]] ([[Boris Shepunov|Shepunov]]) variant.
|''"Our party, like any other political party, strives for political supremacy for itself."'' - Vladimir Lenin
|To the Union!
|[[Irkutsk]] ([[Sergey Bessonov|Bessonov]]) variant.
|''"A means can be justified only by its end. But the end in its turn needs to be justified."'' - Leon Trotsky
|Order Above All
|[[Irkutsk]] ([[Genrikh Yagoda|Yagoda]]) variant.
|''"You philosophers are lucky men. You write on paper and paper is patient. Unfourtunate<small>(sic)</small> Empress that I am, I write on the susceptible skins of living beings."'' - Catherine the Great
| rowspan="2" |Long Live the Tsar!
| rowspan="2" |
|[[Kemerovo]] ([[Lydia Krylova|Lydia]]) variant.
|''"Soldiers' bellies are not satisfied with empty promises and hopes."'' - Peter the Great
|[[Kemerovo]] ([[Yuriy Krylov|Yuriy]]) variant.
|''"Tremble, robbers! Your hour has struck. The world of oppression, slavery, and tears is being replaced by the bright world of the international brotherhood of workers!"'' - Alexandra Kollontai
|A Fresh Revolution
|[[Komi]] ([[Svetlana Bukharina|Bukharina]]) variant.
|''"He was a man born into the world to shake the nations, the scourge of all lands, who in some way terrified all mankind by the dreadful rumors noised abroad concerning him."'' - Jordanes
|Binding the Continents
|[[Komi]] ([[Lev Gumilyov|Gumilyov]]) variant.
|''"We are with you, but we are not yours. Do not think that we have changed by acknowledging your red banner; we recognized it only because it blooms with national colors."''- Nikolay Ustryalov
|Class and Nation
|[[Komi]] ([[Ivan Serov|Serov]]) variant.
|''"So long as the moral tone is preserved, the sun of our glory will not set; there will come no national decay and death."'' - Frederick William Robinson
|From the Ashes
|[[Komi]] ([[Igor Shafarevich|Shafarevich]]) variant.
| rowspan="2" |''"When you have once gained sight, it is impossible to feign blindness."'' - [[Svetlana Stalina]]
| rowspan="2" |A Nation of Steel
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |[[Komi]] ([[Svetlana Stalina|Stalina]]) variant.
|''"You cannot make a revolution in white gloves."'' - Vladimir Lenin
|The Red Fist
|[[Komi]] ([[Mikhail Suslov|Suslov]]) variant.
|''"Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus."'' - Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
|The Eleventh Hour
|[[Komi]] ([[Sergey Taboritsky|Taboritsky]]) variant.
|''"If the present were not so horrible and grim, and the future so mysterious and enigmatic, one could go mad with joy."'' - Konstantin Kavelin
|To a Better History
|[[Komi]] ([[Alexander Yakovlev|Yakovlev]] or [[Konstantin Katushev|Katushev]]) variant.
|''"All our knowledge - past, present and future, is nothing compared to what we will never know."'' - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
|Accept No Limits
|[[Komi]] ([[Andrei Zhdanov|Zhdanov]]) variant.
|''"Power comes all by itself to the strong man. We will accept our freedom and our laws from the Russian patriot who leads Russia to salvation."'' - Ivan Ilyin
|The Will to Power
|[[Magadan]] ([[Mikhail Matkovsky|Matkovsky]]) variant.
|''"In these days of doubt, in these days of painful brooding over the fate of my country, thou alone art my rod and my staff, O great, mighty, true and free Russia!"'' - Ivan Turgenev
|Land of the Free
|[[Magadan]] ([[Nikolay Petlin|Petlin]]) variant.
|''"If one holds his state based on mercenaries, he will not be secure or peaceful; for they are, divided, ambitious and without discipline... they fear neither God nor are loyal to fellow men..."'' - Niccolò Machiavelli
|Fortune and Glory
|[[Magadan]] ([[Mitchell WerBell III|WerBell]]) variant.
|''"You will be required to do no wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity."'' - Philip K. Dick
|Land of Strength
|[[Novosibirsk]] ([[Alexander Pokryshkin|Pokryshkin]]) variant.
|''"Something remains in us from the homeland that it lives in us all our life, now gladdening, at times tormenting, and it always seems that we will someday see it, our homeland."'' - [[Vasily Shukshin]]
|Dreams of Federation
|[[Novosibirsk]] ([[Vasily Shukshin|Shukshin]]) variant.
|''"Hatred of the invading enemy is a most humane feeling. But it is born with such a pain of heart and torment of the soul that God forbid anyone to experience it a second time."'' - Pavel Batov
|The End Begins
|[[Omsk]] variant.
|''"Do not drop from your hands the arms you have received, fight with the enemies of the people. You are being expected by the tortured peoples of Russia. Liberate them!"'' - [[Andrey Vlasov]]
|An End to Weakness
|[[Samara]] ([[Sergey Bunyachenko|Bunyachenko]]) variant.
|"Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing." - Aesop
|A Soldier's Fortune
|[[Samara]] ([[Mikhail Oktan|Oktan]]) variant.
|''"The world thinks the Russian Revolution is at an end. Do not be mistaken. The Russian Revolution is just beginning."'' - Alexander Kerensky
|From Darkness, Light
|[[Samara]] ([[Miletiy Zykov|Zykov]]) variant.
|''"By the anarchist spirit, I mean that deeply human sentiment, which aims for the good of all, freedom and justice for all, and solidatiry and love among the people."'' - Errico Malatesta
|No Gods, No Masters
|[[Siberian Black Army]] ([[Socialism|Anarcho-Communist]]) variant.
|''"The problem is the more difficult to solve that there are a good many individuals who are at the same time 'bandits' and 'anarchists'."'' - Georgi Plekhanov
|We Ride On
|[[Siberian Black Army]] ([[Despotism|Vanguard Anarchist]]) variant.
|''"One minute can decide the outcome of the battle, one hour - the outcome of the campaign, and one day - the fate of the country."'' - Alexander Suvorov
|To Serve Russia
|[[Sverdlovsk]] ([[Pavel Batov|Batov]]) variant.
|''"A man must live like a great brilliant flame and burn as brightly as he can. In the end he burns out. But this is far better than a mean little flame."'' - [[Boris Yeltsin]]
|End of an Era Past
|[[Sverdlovsk]] ([[Boris Yeltsin|Yeltsin]]) variant.
|''"I am interested only in 'nonsense'; only in that which makes no practical sense. I am interested in life only in its absurd manifestations."'' - [[Daniil Kharms]]
|Order and Justice.
|[[Tomsk]] ([[Paternalism|Bastillard]]) variant.
|''"Yes, a strange, brilliant, unearthly vista indeed do you disclose, O Russia, country of mine!"'' - Nikolai Gogol
|Wisdom and Growth
|[[Tomsk]] ([[Conservatism|Decembrist]]) variant.
|''"The war brought great sorrow and made life very very hard. But it had been even harder before the war, because then everyone was alone in his sorrow."'' - [[Dmitry Shostakovich]]
|A Russian Symphony
|[[Tomsk]] ([[Socialism|Humanist]]) variant.
|''"Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power."'' - Horace Mann
|Per Aspera ad Astra
|[[Tomsk]] ([[Liberalism|Modernist]]) variant.
|''"If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."'' - Joseph Stalin
|Land of Steel
|[[Tyumen]] ([[Lazar Kaganovich|Kaganovich]]) variant.
|''"We must finally understand that of all the precious capital in the world, the most precious capital, the most decisive capital, is human beings."'' - Joseph Stalin
|Dream of a People
|[[Tyumen]] ([[Nikita Khrushchev|Khrushchev]]) variant.
|''"A monarchy conducted with infinite wisdom and infinite benevolence is the most perfect of all possible governments."'' - Ezra Stiles
|A New Empire
|[[Vyatka]] ([[Liberalism|Liberal]]) variant.
|''"The Right of Nature... is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life."''- Thomas Hobbes
|Life is a Cycle
|[[Vyatka]] ([[Conservatism|Conservative]]) variant.
|''"So far as he is able, a Prince should stick to the path of good but, if the necessity arises, he should know how to follow evil."'' - Niccolo Machiavelli
|For the Empire
|[[Vyatka]] ([[Paternalism|Solidarist]]) variant.
|''"The war can be concluded only with the coming to power of the dictatorship of the proletariat, since the bourgeoisie will not permit the socialist island to live in peace."'' - [[Mikhail Tukhachevsky]]
| rowspan="2" |A Red Dawn
|[[West Russian Revolutionary Front]] ([[Mikhail Tukhachevsky|Tukhachevsky]]) variant.
|''"We will do all we can to ensure peace... but if war is imposed on us we will be together shoulder to shoulder as in the last war to strive for the happiness of mankind."''- [[Georgy Zhukov]]
|[[West Russian Revolutionary Front]] ([[Georgy Zhukov|Zhukov]]) variant.
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| rowspan="2" |Who Dares Wins
|[[File:Tno se british reunification stirling old.ogg]]<br>(Pre-Toolbox Theory)
| rowspan="2" |[[David Stirling's|Stirling]] variant. supereventSuperevent audio was later changed in [[Toolbox Theory]] alongside a general rework of hisDavid Stirling's character.
|[[File:Tno se british reunification stirling.ogg]]<br>(Toolbox Theory)
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