Valery Sablin

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Revision as of 14:51, 31 January 2024 by Mal0171 (talk | contribs) (Edited things post rebellion)

Valery Mikhailovich Sablin (born 1 January 1939) is a communist politician and leader of Buryatia. Whilst serving in Yagoda's Irkutsk He noticed that Yagoda's Regime was using the NKVD to silence resistance, and thus he launched his rebellion in the late 50s.

Valery Sablin
Sablin, 1962
Sablin 1970s
Sablin 1970s
Leader of the Buryat ASSR
Date of Birth1st January 1939
Place of BirthLeningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Age at start23
Nationality Russian (Buryatia)
Political PartyVKP (Bolshevikov) - Sablintsy
link = Communism
link = Communism


Early Life

Valery Sablin was the son of a Naval Officer, and he was educated on the ideas of Leninism and Leninist values as a schoolboy. After the war with Germany, Sablin and his family fled to the far east. They fled to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in the far east. Sablin wanted to be a naval admiral, however, but then the Siberian War happened and it crushed his dreams of being an admiral, as the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet lost their coast.

After the Siberian war

After the Siberian war, Sablin was a proud member of the Army of the Presidium, truly believing in Yagoda. However, then he noticed Yagoda's corruption and use of the NKVD to crush resistance.

The Rebellion

Sablin, after noticing Yagoda's authoritarianism, reached out to the people of the Presidium to rise up, and the Buryat People answered his call for that, they proudly believed in Sablin and helped him create his Buryatian ASSR. Yagoda quickly declared that Sablin had committed Treason, and ordered the Presidium's Army to crush Sablin's Rebellion.

Post Rebellion

Should the player succeed in not only winning against Yagoda, but also reuniting the Far-East under his banner, there will be a balance of power, between the ideology of Bukharinism and Sablinism.


  • In OTL, Sablin rebelled against Leonid Brezhnev for his corruption, whilst serving on the Storozhevoy, an anti-submarine frigate in 1975. This incident probably served as an inspiration for the devs to make Sablin a rebel. Ironically, Sablin can have Brezhnev as his General if he reunited with the People's Revolutionary Council peacefully.