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→‎Backstory: Added backstory
Mal0171 (talk | contribs)
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Dmitry Yazov succeeds him due to his death early game.
=== In-Game Description ===
''Dmitry Mikhaylovich Karbyshev's story is a tragic one, full of betrayal, loss, and fury. He first fought for the Tsar in the Great War, joined the Red Guards in the Civil War, and returned to duty when the Motherland was invaded once more. Captured by the Germans and sent to a string of concentration camps, Karbyshev was beaten, tortured, and left to die, but he never lost hope in his people. Eventually, he and a few others escaped the death camps and fled east, past the Union's weakening grip and into the arms of Lazar Kaganovich's West Siberian People's Republic. Embittered by years of suffering, Karbyshev resolved to never let Russia see such torment again. He began planning for what he called the Great Trial, the coming final conflict with Germany that would seal Russia's fate. Gathering many like-minded comrades to his cause, he soon rebelled against Kaganovich and seized Omsk, turning the city into a fortress where he could prepare in peace. Karbyshev proclaimed the rule of the All-Russian Black League, the only organization he saw fit to guide Russia through what lay ahead. But time wore on, and distrust grew among his once-loyal officers. Now he can do naught but watch the vultures circling above, and weep at how those he hoped to save fight each other instead of the enemy. The Great Trial looms ever closer, and unless someone worthy takes up his mantle, Dmitry Karbyshev fears Russia will be doomed when it arrives.''
== Backstory ==
Dmitry Karbyshev was captured at the start of the Great Patriotic War, in the Mogilev Region. during Operation Barbarossa
Sent to various concentration camps, he was coerced repeatedly to work for the Nazis. Time after time he refused, instead leading a resistance cell in the concentration camps he was held in.
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As the German victory neared for the Soviet Union, the guards of Mauthausen decided to eliminate a significant majority of prisoners. 500 men were forced to undress and then doused with freezing cold water, left to expire in the cold February air.
Karbyshev refused to let the cold kill him, instead waitinghe waited for the guards to leave, before escaping the clutches of the Reich and fled back to Russia.
The torture and freezing water he endured in that godforsaken camp changed the course of his life, leaving his heart a frozen lump. At an uncertain time, presumably during the West Russian War, he reemerged in the West Siberian People's Republic after he had returned to his home city of Omsk.