East Java Emergency Government

From TNOpediA
East Java Emergency Government
Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
Flag of the East Java Emergency Government
Ruling PartyKomando Daerah Militer V/Brawidjaja (Military Regional Command V/Brawidjaja)
Head of StateSungkono
Head of GovernmentSungkono
Sphere Co-Prosperity Sphere
Foreign AlignmentJapan
Credit RatingUnknown
Market TypePlanned Economy

The East Java Emergency Government is a nation that forms during the Indonesian Civil War. They are a pro-government group located in Eastern Java, which is cut off from Sukarno's forces by the Free Indonesian forces which surround the Emergency Government's lands.

Despite its large navy, the East Java Emergency Government is very likely to fall, due to active guerrilla resistance, a small standing army, and has deep unpopularity among the populace due to the local governor pro-Japanese stance, which makes the Emergency Government much to Sungkono's chagrin.