Free Port of Magadan

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Free Port of Magadan
Правительство восстановления Российского Адмиралтейства, Pravitel'stvo Vosstanovleniya Rossiyskogo Admiralteystva
Flag of the Free Port of Magadan
Ruling Party Klika Abramova
Head of StateNikolay Abramov
Sphere No Sphere
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Market TypeTemplate:Banditry

Rallying what remains of various Russian fleets in the Far East, Nikolai Abramov has established his own petty fiefdom based out of Magadan. Making a living running refugees to the OFN and Sphere and shipping goods back to Russia to be sold at extortionate prices, he cares nothing for the old ideologies that he once served- not when there's money on the line, at least.

Using events we can see that the country itself is just a pirate state. Although they generally avoid making piracy their main business, Magadan isn't above sending about ships to raid others and loot them. Operations in Magadan are hard to carry out due to the frigid conditions there, which isn't helped by the fact that Magadan also lacks ice-free ports. Many of their smuggling operations involve diverting Japanese resources to Magadan. However, this business may end up backfiring, as Abramov discovers that Japan may be trying to expand their naval patrols in the Sea of Okhotsk, which would threaten his smuggling business.

Upon non-canon unification, they will be known as the Restoration Government of the Russian Admiralty; continuing the naval piracy nontheless. Or if anyone else could oppose Abramov's piracy business.