German Civil War

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The German Civil War is a conflict that begins on October 27, 1963, around 3 weeks after the death of Adolf Hitler in Germany. This war has immediate and long-lasting consequences that, in the short term, signals the collapse of German influence around the globe.

With the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler after the Moon Landing towards the beginning of 1962, the Führer's health ever since rapidly deteriorates across the rest of the two remaining years that he remains alive, which beckons the question of who would succeed Hitler into the Führership. Ultimately, this power struggle would culminate in a civil war that erupts after Hitler's death, leading to not only the collapse of the German mainland, but the collapse of various Reichskommissariats and territories held by the Reich as well as the exit of many members from the Einheitspakt in hopes of surviving the consequences that follow the war.

In the aftermath of the Brüderkrieg, a lack of leadership in the African Reichskommissariats would lead to the formation of the Afrika-Schild and eventually the South African War, which a post-war reunited Germany has the option to help its former colonies in against the OFN-backed South Africa. The collapse and reunification of many Reichskommissariats under potentially unfriendly governments drastically diminishes the former German superpower's influence, which forces the victor of the war into another series of wars to reclaim the German lands in Europe.