Great Trial

From TNOpediA
Revision as of 08:17, 3 March 2024 by Antoniusthe5th (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Great Trial is the name of the Black League's Final Confrontation with Germany which will most likely result in Thermonuclear War. Foundings The Great Trial is the whole Point of the Black League. They seek to take revenge on the Germans, with no mercy shown to the Teutons. Karbyshev's Version Karbyshev's Version of the Great Trial is mostly Defensive, however Karbyshev won't be able to start the Great Trial due to his death in 1962 after the player / AI complet...")
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The Great Trial is the name of the Black League's Final Confrontation with Germany which will most likely result in Thermonuclear War.


The Great Trial is the whole Point of the Black League. They seek to take revenge on the Germans, with no mercy shown to the Teutons.

Karbyshev's Version

Karbyshev's Version of the Great Trial is mostly Defensive, however Karbyshev won't be able to start the Great Trial due to his death in 1962 after the player / AI completes the focus "Falling Snow". However after Karbyshev's Death Yazov will take over the Black League.

Yazov's Version

Yazov's Version of the Great Trial is the exact opposite of Karbyshev's Version, as Yazov seeks an offensive Great Trial to kill all of the Germans and make their way to the Welthauptstadt Germania and destroy it. However that is unlikely to happen as Thermonuclear War will start once Yazov even gets to core German Land let alone Germania.