Greater Germanic Reich

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Revision as of 12:50, 22 January 2024 by Thermerite (talk | contribs) (proper infobox)
Greater Germanic Reich
Großgermanisches Reich
Flag of Germany
Ruling Party NSDAP - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Head of StateAdolf Hitler
Sphere Grossraum Kontinentaleurope
Foreign Alignment Master of Europe
Credit Rating Exceptcional
Market Type Gelenkte Wirtschaft

The Greater Germanic Reich (Ger. Großgermanisches Reich) is a country and one of the main superpowers in the world of TNO. Its core territories are in central Europe, and it has colonies stretching from Eastern Europe to the North Sea to much of Africa. It is a totalitarian one-party state, ruled by the NSDAP. It is the leader of the Einheitspakt and the most powerful state in Europe.

In-Game Description

Once humbled by their failures in the Weltkrieg, Germany once more rose to prominence with the leadership of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Thanks to the failure of the allies, WW2 has ended in complete German victory.

Germany now presides over the most powerful Empire on Earth, but despite her victory, Germany's control remains tenuous at best. Wracked by an economic crash that has frozen the nation for a decade, and with a massive slave caste providing for the German people, the population has began to protest. The nation is now wrapped in a series of student protests and the machinations of the Deutche Bank.


Interwar Period

World War II

Post War

