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{{Infobox military conflict
| partof =[[World War TwoII]]
| image =https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7bdOQ938Lmg/sddefault.jpg
| caption = Irish Soldiers handing weapons to riflemen outside Belfast
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The '''Invasion of Northern Ireland''' was the invasion of Northern Ireland by the [[Republic of Ireland]] against the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland]] (not to be confused with the post-war [[United Kingdom of Great Britain]]). The invasion costedduring the ill-preparedSecond IrishWorld Army significant losses, but ultimately succeeded after two years of continued operationsWar. The invasion was greatly supported by the [[Greater Germanic Reich|German Reich]] due to Germanys plan of utilizing the ports of Ireland to cut off Britain and all allied forces on the island from continued supplies via the US. [[Operation Sealion]], the invasion of the British home isles, was made possible by the invasion of Northern Ireland and is widely regarded as being a nail in the coffin of the Allied war effort.
The invasion, although inflicting significant losses to the ill-prepared and underequipped Irish Army, ultimately succeeded after two years of continued operations. The invasion was greatly supported by the [[Greater Germanic Reich|German Reich]] due to the military plan of utilizing the ports of Ireland to cut off Britain from any supplies transported via sea, essentially starving out the British in a naval blockade.
With the majority of the British fleet stuck in the Mediterrean and a jumping off point from the Irish island, [[Operation Sealion]] was greenlit to proceed, resulting in the invasion of the British Home Islands, and the subsequent end of the European Theatre of the Second World War.
Amongst historians and analysts, the invasion of Northern Ireland is widely regarded as being the penultimate nail in the coffin of the Allied war effort.


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