Puerto Plata Invasion

From TNOpediA

The Puerto Plata Invasion is a conflict that breaks out in the Carribean Island of Hispaniola, when a coalition of various Latin American Exiles lands in Puerto Plata to overhrow the Dominican Dictator Rafael Trujillo. the conflict is also a proxy war between the US and its allies on one side, with Nazi Germany and the Iberian Union on the other. the conflicts outcome will have a large effect on neighbouring Haiti, with the countrys content greatly depending on who wins.

Puerto Plata Invasion
Part of the Cold War
The Puerto Plata Invasion

Dominican Government

Dominican Republic

Supported by:

The Dominican Civil War

Legion crushed: Trujillo maintains his grip over the Dominican Republic
Civil War victory: The Dominican government restores order over the republic, with Balaguer at the helm
Invasion victory: Temporary ceasefire, Trujillo deposed, the Civil War begins after the ceasefire expires
Civil War victory: A new Republican government formed in the Dominican Republic
