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==== Sultunate and Kingdom ====
TheFormerly, the nation was governed as the Egypt Eyalet during the Ottoman era, and then as the independent tributary state of the Khedivate of Egypt, under the leadership of the Muhammad Ali dynasty.
After supporting the Ottoman Empire and the Central Powers during World War I, Khedive Abbas II was overthrown by the British in 1914 and his uncle Hussein Kamel took over, establishing the Sultanate of Egypt. NowIn formallythe endedprocess, wasformally ending Ottoman control over Egypt, which had been little more than a legal farce since 1805. Egypt was then subsequently made a British protectorate and Hussein Kamel was proclaimed sultan.
==== Interwar Era ====
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==== World War II East African Campaign<ref name=":0">https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/TNOAfrica</ref> ====
During World War II, Egypt's government and army were legally neutral, with the British making it a major base of operations against Italy and Germany. London's top priority was controlling the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly the Suez Canal, for merchant ships and military connections with its dominions of India and Australia. Egypt played a minor role in the North African campaign, withparticipating in battles such asduring the Italian Invasion of Egypt, with the Battle of Sidi Barrani, and the First and Second Battles of El Alamein fought on its soil. In September 1939, Egypt declared martial law and broke off diplomatic relations with Germany. In 1940, it broke off diplomatic relations with Italy but never declared war. King Farouk took a neutral position, and the army remained apathetic, with leading officers viewing the British as occupiers and occasionally holding private sympathies towards the Axis. In June 1940, the King dismissed Prime Minister Aly Maher, leading to the formation of a new coalition government with Hassan Pasha Sabri as Prime Minister and Hussein Sirri Pasha as Prime Minister.
The collapse of France and the destruction of the British armyExpeditionary Force in Europe led the United Kingdom to recall its military presence in its colonial territories to the British islesIsles. The Viceroy, who was no longer outnumbered, conducted more traditional offensives, with the first major success being the Battle of Bahir Dar. The Viceroy's focus on small offensives aimed at pestering the enemy rather than pursuing ultimate victories made the Allies unable to defend against a strong offensive in any one area.
In July 1942, the Italian and Germans broke through the Allies' front line and captured a key supply depot. In September, the remaining British colonial army was surrounded and surrenderedforced to surrender, leaving British Africa defended by a contingent of less than 19,000 men. Italian forces seized the Suez and Levantine territories, joining forces with the Iraqi fascist uprising and securing its oil wells for the Axis. They also captured Sudan and linked Italian Libya with the stranded East African colony.
With reinforcements, supplies, and air support, the Viceroy broke the siege and inflicted a devastating defeat on the Allies at the Battle of Amba Alagi.
==== Post-World War II Era (Reconstruction Period) ====
After the war, The Pro-British Government in Egypt was ousted and was replaced with King Farouk I from the Alawiyya Dynasty (العلوية). Egypt lost access to the Suez Canal byto the Italians. But howeverHowever, the Egyptians gained most of former British Sudan. Since Egypt was under the Italian Thumbsphere of influence, the Egyptians would eventually joinedjoin the Triumvirate during it's creation in the 1950s. Most British troops were withdrawn back to Britain. Nationalist and anti-Italian sentiment continued to grow after the War. Anti-monarchy sentiments further increased after the Italians seized all Egyptian Assets and Corporations present within the country making it seem like the Italiansthat were treatingcaptured thewould Egyptiansbe likerepatriated a Third-World Country. Anti-Italian Sentiment beganback to rise after King Farouk I was seen as an incompetent who couldn't care less about the politics and demographics of the country and instead spends most of his time partying leaving the Prime Minister to do all the workBritain. When he was crowned, Farouk had very liberal ambitions before the British stripped him of all his authority. In the Egypt teaser, he's since become a puppet to the Italian overlords who truly run the country.
Despite this, Nationalist and anti-Italian sentiment continued to grow after the War. Anti-monarchy sentiments further increased after the Italians seized all Egyptian assets and corporations present within the country, making it seem like the Italians were treating the Egyptians like a Third-World Country or a colony of their empire. Anti-Italian Sentiment began to rise after King Farouk I was seen as an incompetent fool who couldn't care less about the politics and demographics of the country and instead spent most of his time partying, leaving the Prime Minister to do all the work. When he was crowned, Farouk had very liberal ambitions before the British stripped him of all his authority. In the Egypt teaser, he's since become a puppet to the Italian overlords who truly run the country.
== In-Game<ref name=":0" /> ==


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