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The United States and Germany can intervene in this crisis, influencing their support for their favoured faction.
=== Non Guaranteed Conflicts ===
==== Iberian Wars ====
''Main Article: [[Iberian Wars]]''
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Occuring due to the critical instability of the Iberian Union and the handling of state matters behind the backdrop of excessive terrorist activities, with the Iberian Union dissolving and breaking apart. This results in the Second Spanish Civil War occuring between seperatists, Spanish Republicans, Franco Loyalists and Falangists in Spain, and a Portugese Civil War between the Portugese Government and various seperatists and factions.
==== Channel Crisis ====
''Main Article: [[Channel Crisis]]''
The '''Channel Crisis''' is a standoff between Germany and the USA, if Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance (HMMLR) wins the British Civil War. Upon the victory of the HMMLR, they will ask the USA for a guarantee of Independence as well as entry into the OFN. Germany, unwilling to lose her position in the Atlantic due to the loss of Britain, plans to conduct Operation Sealion II. To ensure the survival of the Free British, the US must negotiate terms with Germany, lest the loss of Britain once more, or worse, nuclear war happens.
==== Battle for Italy ====
The '''Battle of Italy''' is a mechanic that occurs if Italy goes democratic in the mid to late 60s. Due to this democratic league, and their massive influence in the Balkans and the Middle East, both the Co-prosperity Sphere and the Organisation of Free Nations plan to court Italy to join their sphere of influence and faction, potentially tipping the Cold War in their favour through economic, military and political proposals in the mechanic.
==== Congo Crisis ====
The '''Congo Crisis''' is a Proxy War that can happen if Huttig’s Reichstaat collapses at Stage 1 or 2 or when the OFN Mandate in Africa fails, this crisis sees all 3 Superpowers taking part.
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In the event of an OFN mandate collapse, the US will instead back the OFN remnants in the Federal Republic, due to an oversight, even though Germany can’t participate in the 2nd Scenario, they still lose points if any side wins.
==== Haitian Blitz/Hinache Blitz/Red Blitz ====
The '''Haitian Blitz''' is a Proxy Conflict that can occur in 3 ways. This proxy war involves the Germans and Americans.
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Hispaniolan Red Blitz: Should the Communist Putsch succeed after the Puerto Plata Invasion and the Haitian Civil War escalates to all out Conflict, the Dominicans can form a faction with the PPLN against the Haitian Government. Should the Haitian Government somehow comes out victorious, the OFN-OAS Mandate will form in the Dominican Republic
==== Angolan Civil War ====
The '''Angolan Civil War''' is a Proxy War that can happen if the Coalition Government of Angola under the OFN mandate collapses or Huttig’s Reichstatt collapses at any stage. This results in a civil war against the 2 main contenders, which are Savambi’s ''União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola'', or UNITA backed by America and Neto’s ''Partido da Luta Unida Africana por Angola'' or PLUAA, backed by Japan.
==== Mozambican Civil War ====
==== Reclamation of France ====
The '''Reclamation of France''' is an event that occurs in 1969, provided if Free France wins the [[West African War]], conducting talks in the Iberian Union and the sucessful West African Reconstruction. Free France with American and Iberian backing (if talks succeeded) will meet with the French Resistance to combat the French State (backed by Germany).
If Pinay’s Democratic Reforms succeeded, France is a Constitutional Monarchy, or The French Resistance won the French Civil War due to Sidos or Poujade breaking the country up, the French Reconciliation happens instead. Both situations leads to the Reclamation of France by the Free World, dealing a blow to the Germans.
==== Mano Campaign ====
==== Second and Third Colombian Civil Wars ====
==== Jamaican Coup ====
=== Jamaican Coup ===
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