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Ideologies: Difference between revisions

589 bytes added ,  1 month ago
→‎Subideologies: I'm currently putting the flags for each character in the sheet for Socialism (4)
(→‎Subideologies: I'm currently putting the flags for each character in the sheet for Socialism (3) (Holy shit! There's so many flags for African Socialism))
(→‎Subideologies: I'm currently putting the flags for each character in the sheet for Socialism (4))
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[[Mathieu Kérékou]]<br/>
[[File:TNO Flag Burkina Faso 29.png|x14px]] [[Joseph Ki-Zerbo]]<br/>
[[File:TNO Flag Ivory Coast 29.png|x14px]] [[Djibo Bakary]]<br/>
[[File:TNO Flag Ivory Coast 29.png|x14px]] [[Christophe Kragbé Gnagbé]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of the African National Congress.svg|x14px]] [[Oliver R. Tambo]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of the African National Congress.svg|x14px]] [[Chris Hani]]<br/>
[[File:Socialist Angola.png|x14px]] [[Agostinho Neto]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Ovamboland.png|x14px]] [[Andimba Toivo ya Toivo]]<br/>
[[Marien Ngouabi]]<br/>
[[Christophe Gbenye]]<br/>
[[Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Tanganyika.png|x14px]] [[Edward Sokoine]]<br/>
[[Mishake Muyongo]]<br/>
[[Jacques Stephen Alexis]]
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|[[File:Socialist baathism subtype.png|center|frameless]]<center>Ba'athism
|""One Nation, Bearing an Eternal Message." The brainchild of Michel Aflaq and Zaki al-Arsuzi, Ba'athism is a revolutionary Arab nationalist movement, aimed at creating a 'renaissance' across the Arab world by means of revolution against foreign oppressors. Ba'athist ideology combines notions of pan-Arabism, Arab socialism, and secularism into an ideological platform that aims to mobilize and subsequently unify the whole Arab nation through revolutionary struggle, regardless of faith or region. The Ba'ath party functions as the universal vanguard for the Arab nation, accelerating its development in order to bring about the renaissance into all aspects of life. Its ostensible goals are progress, liberty, and socialism as defined by Aflaq, within a context suited to the Arab world. Dedication to modernization and progress means that the party opposes not only foreign rule but also all the forms of feudal and noble reaction across the Arab world. Liberty in the Ba'athism sense does not necessarily mean liberal parliamentary democracy, as it may subvert the revolution, and socialism here substitutes the Marxist notion of class struggle for a national struggle against colonialism. 'Arab Socialism' is considered an important means of reaching the Renaissance, but not its ultimate purpose. In reality, the ideological purity of Ba'athist parties across the Middle East is incredibly varied and intrinsically linked with local culture and tradition, as well as an influx of foreign political theories. The policies followed by the Ba'athist movements range from the rampant militarism of some branches to promises of representative democracy and socialism by others. Their only common goal is the creation of a united Arab state, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Gulf."
|[[Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr]]<br/>[[Michel Aflaq]]<br/>[[Rashid Karami]]<br/>
[[File:IraqiRepublic.png|x14px]] [[Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr]]<br/>
[[File:Syria.webp|x14px]] [[Michel Aflaq]]<br/>
[[Rashid Karami]]<br/>
|[[File:Socialist left wing nationalism subtype.png|center|frameless]]<center>Left-Wing
|From the East to the West, from the most developed nation to the least, there arises a new trend in politics of the new age: left-wing nationalism. Espousing left-wing ideals of equality, class consciousness, and the ideal of socialist modernity, its believers aim to challenge imperialism by fashioning these ideas into a clarion call for self-determination and independence. The proponents of left-wing nationalism transform socialist agitation into a weapon with which to combat either imperialist interference or influence in society. In the Cold War, left-wing nationalism is a wide label: it describes both revolutionary tendencies and electoral reform; it covers a broad range of adherents, from Europe to Asia, from Africa to America. Despite this wide-ranging appellation, however, they all have something in common: nationalism is not irreconcilable with socialism or socialistic policies, and self-determination and political independence is a necessary steps in achieving equality and liberty.
|[[Ivan Dziuba]]<br/>[[Tahir Badakhshi]]<br/>[[Supha Sirimanon]]<br/>[[Burhanuddin al-Helmy]]<br/>[[Mohan Singh]]<br/>[[Benyoucef Benkhedda]]<br/>[[Musa Anter]]<br/>[[Abdullah al-Sallal]]<br/>[[Gamal Abdel Nasser]]<br/>[[Jaafar Nimeiry]]<br/>[[Sam Nujoma]]<br/>[[Eduardo Mondlane]]<br/>[[Samora Machel]]<br/>[[François Tombalbaye]]<br/>[[Leopold Takawira]]<br/>[[Jaramogi Oginga Odinga]]<br/>[[Alexander Zvyagin]]<br/>[[Ryszard Kukliński]]<br/>[[Makandal Daaga]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Ukraine.svg|x14px]] [[Ivan Dziuba]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Afghanistan (1931–1973).svg|x14px]] [[Tahir Badakhshi]]<br/>
[[File:1280px-Flag of Thailand.webp|x14px]] [[Supha Sirimanon]]<br/>
[[File:1949 Malaya Flag Proposal 2.webp|x14px]] [[Burhanuddin al-Helmy]]<br/>
[[File:Free India.svg|x14px]] [[Mohan Singh]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Algeria.svg|x14px]] [[Benyoucef Benkhedda]]<br/>
[[File:Flag of Kurdistan.svg|x14px]] [[Musa Anter]]<br/>
[[Abdullah al-Sallal]]<br/>
[[Gamal Abdel Nasser]]<br/>
[[Jaafar Nimeiry]]<br/>
[[Sam Nujoma]]<br/>
[[Eduardo Mondlane]]<br/>
[[Samora Machel]]<br/>
[[François Tombalbaye]]<br/>
[[Leopold Takawira]]<br/>
[[Jaramogi Oginga Odinga]]<br/>
[[Alexander Zvyagin]]<br/>
[[Ryszard Kukliński]]<br/>
[[Makandal Daaga]]<br/>
|[[File:Socialist guevarism subtype.png|center|frameless]]<center>Guevarism
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