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| locationlabel = <!-- text of the map -->
| tag = GNG
| capital = [[Kōshu]]
| ideologyiconfile = Fascism corporate statism subtype.png
| rulingparty = [[Kanton Minseifu]]
| hos = [[File:Suzuki_Icon.png|25px]] [[Suzuki Teiichi]]
| sphere = Japanese
| alignment = Corporate Dependency
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===Country Overview===
Carved out from the <span style="color:dodgerblue">Republic of China</span> as an independent state by Japanese fiat in the Kanton Protocols of 1950, the <span style="color:salmon">State of Guangdong</span> is an experiment unlike any other in history: an artificial nation dedicated solely to corporate colonialism. Where the <span style="color:saddlebrown">Empire of Japan's</span> other conquests in Asia - even its most artificial child, the <span style="color:darkorange">Empire of Manchuria</span> - pay lip service to the <span style="color:red">Co-Prosperity Sphere</span>'s vision of Pan-Asianism, Guangdong stands alone in its devotion to the yen under the whim of its <span style="color:yellow">Four Companies</span> - <span style="color:red">Sony</span>, <span style="color:whitegainsboro">Matsushita Electric</span>, <span style="color:deepskyblue">Fujitsu</span>, and <span style="color:yellow">Yasuda</span>. Through a combination of neglect from Tokyo and the reckless ambition of its tycoons, Guangdong has become a place in the Sphere where pretenses fall away in favor of naked greed and the pursuit of profit. But all is not well inside the world's only bastion of unchecked capitalism.
The native <span style="color:royalblue">Chinese</span> population toils endlessly in the factories of the Three Pearls of Guangdong - Kōshu (Guangzhou), Honkon (Hong Kong), and Makao (Macau) - while receiving none of the benefits accruing to the <span style="color:darkred">Japanese industrialists and expatriates</span> that oversee their corporate exclave. Between them, the <span style="color:mediumvioletred">Zhujin</span> - educated professionals and businessmen, fluent in Japanese but local to Guangdong - both serve and benefit from Guangdong's economic order, a middle class decried as collaborators by the <span style="color:royalblue">Chinese</span> and seen as useful proxies by the <span style="color:darkred">Japanese expatriates</span>. <span style="color:red">Crime and corruption</span> are widespread, with the <span style="color:limegreen">Triads</span> and <span style="color:mediumvioletred">Yakuza</span> vying for control over the web of vice that sprawls across Guangdong's underground, in defiance of an undermanned <span style="color:cornflowerblue">Guangdong Police Force</span> and an uncaring <span style="color:darkred">Kenpeitai</span> garrison. In Guangdong, crime is less an aberration than simply another means of doing business, a reciprocal relationship of favors done and debts owed.
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|Guangdong Civil Administration<br/><small>Kanton Minseifu</small>
|[[File:Fascism corporate statism subtype.png|20px30px]] Corporate Statism
|[[File:Suzuki_Icon.png|20px]] [[Suzuki Teiichi]]
|Legislative Council - Business Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Zaikaiha</small>
|[[File:Despotism corporatocracy subtype.png|20px30px]] Corporatocracy
|[[File:Yasuda_Icon.png|20px]] [[Matsuzawa Takuji]]<br/>[[File:Matsushita_Icon.png|20px]] [[Matsushita Masaharu]]<br/>[[File:Fujitsu_Icon.png|20px]] [[Ibuka Masaru]]
|Legislative Council - Civic Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Minseiha</small>
|[[File:Paternalism corporate paternalism subtype.png|20px30px]] Corporate Paternalism
|[[File:Sony_Icon.png|20px]] [[Morita Akio]]<br/>[[File:Cheung_Kong_Icon.png|20px]] [[Li Ka-Shing]]
|Legislative Council - Central Committee<br/><small>Rippoukai - ZaikaihaChuou Iinkai</small>
|[[File:Fascism corporate statism subtype.png|20px30px]] Corporate Statism
|[[File:Fujitsu_Icon.png|20px]] [[Ibuka Masaru|Ibuka Masaru]]<br/><small>''Following passage of The Guangdong Future Act''</small>
|Legislative Council - Manchuria Faction<br/><small>Rippoukai - Manshūha</small>
|[[File:Reform Bureaucracy New.webp|20px30px]] Reform Bureaucracy
|[[File:Hitachi_Icon.png|20px]] [[Komai Kenichirō]]
|IJA - Martial Law<br/><small>The Imperial Japanese Army - Martial Law</small>
|[[File:Ultranationalism ultramilitarism subtype.png|20px30px]] Ultramilitarism
|[[File:IJA_Icon.png|20px]] [[Nagano Shigeto]]
<span style="color:yellow">XXXXX</span>
===[[File:Guangdong Regions Icon.png|30px]] Regions of Guangdong===
Between the Chinese Mainland and the South China Sea lies Guangdong, an artificial state with an artificial culture and identity. In this hot pot of Chinese and Japanese culture lies the three main ethnic groups, the [[File:Guangdong Chinese Icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:royalblue">Chinese</span>, the [[File:Guangdong Zhujin Icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:mediumvioletred">Zhujin</span>, and the [[File:Guangdong Japanese Icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:darkred">Japanese</span>, who in <span style="color:yellow">each state</span> have their own approval of our government. Each of these ethnic groups represent steps in the Cantonese societal ladder, and their support or lack thereof can <span style="color:palegreen">make</span> or <span style="color:lightcoral">break</span> the finances and stability of the [[File:Guangdong Generic Icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:salmon">State of Guangdong</span>.
Though it might not seem like in the midst of the bustling cities of the Three Pearls, <span style="color:salmon">Guangdong</span> is a major refuge as well for the outcasts and criminals of Japanese and Chinese society, the Chinese [[File:GNG triads small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:limegreen">Triads</span> and the Japanese [[File:GNG yakuza small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:mediumvioletred">Yakuza</span>. Our own [[File:GNG police small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:cornflowerblue">Police</span> force is not enough to stop these forces from overrunning our nation and turning it into an opium den, but the ones who help us police these groups are as ferocious and corrupt, if not more so. The Japanese [[File:GNG kenpetai small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:darkred">Kenpeitai</span>, who hold ht people obedient through violence and force. The amount a group controls each state and potentially <span style="color:yellow">the majority of Guangdong's regions</span> will have major effects on the different demographics support for <span style="color:salmon">Guangdong</span>, [[File:GNG chinese nation small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:dodgerblue">Chinese</span> and [[File:GNG japan nation small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:saddlebrown">Japanese</span> support for our government and how [[File:GNG corruption small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:lightcoral">corrupt</span> or not our society will be.
===[[File:Three Evils Guangdong Icon.png|30px]] Three Evils of Guangdong===
Even if the <span style="color:paleturquoise">Chief Executive</span> sits atop the food chain in Guangdong, there are <span style="color:red">three things</span> that conspire to throw a wrench in their plan. Two that are outside the <span style="color:paleturquoise">Chief Executive</span>'s direct control - and one that <span style="color:lightcoral">suffuses everything in Guangdong</span>, formless but undeniably present.
The [[File:GNG japan nation small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:saddlebrown">Empire of Japan</span> - the backer of Guangdong's security and its greatest investor - has expectations that must be met, lest a Chief Executive suffer their <span style="color:saddlebrown">disapproval</span> and open himself to attack by jealous peers. And the [[File:GNG chinese nation small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:dodgerblue">Republic of China</span> has never had a very high <span style="color:dodgerblue">opinion</span> of Guangdong - the 'state' carved out of its southern province - and certainly knows how to make life difficult, both for the <span style="color:yellow">Companies</span> and the <span style="color:paleturquoise">Chief Executive</span>, if it is so inclined.
And beyond it all, [[File:GNG corruption small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:lightcoral">corruption</span> seeps into every crack and crevasse, lock up the gears of government with <span style="color:lightcoral">vice</span> and <span style="color:lightcoral">apathy</span>. Even if some would say such is fate of a nation that worships the yen beyond anything else, nobody enjoys having to deal with [[File:GNG corruption small icon.png|20px]] <span style="color:lightcoral">corruption</span> - <span style="color:lightcoral">rotting away at souls, cheapening work, and crimping profits</span>.
===[[File:RnD Guangdong Icon.png|30px]] The Product Cycle===
====Research and Development====
===[[File:LegCo Icon.png|30px]] The Legislative Council===
===[[File:PTRG Icon.png|30px]] The Product Testing Group===
===[[File:Miracle Pearl River Icon.png|30px]] Miracle on the Pearl River===
===[[File:Guangdong Generic Icon.png|30px]] Suzuki's Succession===
===[[File:Guangdong Riots Icon.png|30px]] The Guangdong Riots===


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