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== History ==
NOTE: The history section was wreittenwritten prior to the ''The Ruin'' update, therefore its lore is slightly outdated.
=== The Mountain ===
==== Boom-Town ====
The town of Magnitogorsk was a boom-town, built up throughtthroughout the 19th and early 20th centuries to mine and process the incredibly rich iron deposits within Mount Magnitnaya. When the [[World War II|Second World War]] ended, the steel mills closed and the mountain lay dormant. But Doctor TromfinTrofim Lysenko and the 22nd NKVD Motor Rifle Division arrived, transforming the former network of mines into a base of operations where few entered and even fewer returned. The locals soon gave Mount Magnitnaya a new name more befitting of its omniousominous reputation: the Black Mountain.
Far beneath the mountain's surface, TromfinTrofim lysenkoLysenko continues the "scientific"nwork work that he started more thsnthan three decades prior. He has rejected the concepts of Mendellian genetics and Darwinian evolution, considering them to be classist lies that falsely apply the capitalist theory of competition to nature. in reality, Mother Nature is a socialist, and all things trend towards cooperation.
==== The One Taboo ====
Pushed by the stress of his experiences, Lysenko has realized that there is no boundary worth respecting when the future of socialism is on the line, and he has broken one of his few taboos: human experimentation. He has become desparatedesperate to apply his theories in creation of a "New Soviet Man," something that the unfortunate residents of Magnitogorsk have learned firsthand. Those who aid in the kidnapping of test subjects are the NKVD, led by [[Stepan Bunkov]]. their path first crossed with the mad scientist's in the clsoingclosing days of the Second World War, when they were charged with evacuating him and his research well beyonfbeyond the front lines. But when all order broke down, they were forced to cooperate and survive. Lysenko convinced the officers that his work was vital to the restoartionrestoration of the [[Soviet Union]], and that any and all assistance they could render would be greatly rewarded when order was restored and the [[Germany|German]] invaders were expelled. It is a decision that Bunkov may have come to regret.
==== Not Alone ====
Despite its relative isolation, Magnitogorsk is not alone. the surrounding warlord states of [[West Siberian People's Republic|Tyumen]], [[Zlatoust]] and [[Kostanay]] pay no attention to them, sometihngsomething they intend to reciprocate. The great foe to the west is the [[Ural League]], a band of GulafGulag prisoners turned altruistic militias who view Lysenko and all his valuable aides as little more than bandits in need of driving out. A most unexpected ally, however, lies to the south: the [[Dirlewanger Brigade]], a handy supply of muscle whose loyalty can ebbe bought with loot and liquor. With any luck, they can serve as a source of not only test subjects, but also manpower in the event of a war with the Ural League. Of course, any alliance with them is not lieklylikely to last much longer after their victory.
== Gameplay ==


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