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Sergey Taboritsky: Difference between revisions

Cleaning up page to be more encyclopedic and less meme-y
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(Cleaning up page to be more encyclopedic and less meme-y)
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* Taboritsky's fervent belief in the survival of Tsarevich Alexei draws intriguing parallels to numerous women in the 20th century who claimed to be Anastasia Romanov, the Tsarevich's sister, despite her later-confirmed demise.
* Adding another layer of complexity, the music in the superevent accompanying Taboritsky's unification of Russia emanates from a 1963 Soviet cartoon titled "Verify Your Clock," designed to impart the message to children that time cannot be slowed or wasted. The ironic contrast between the clock mechanic in the mod and the cartoon's message becomes apparent, highlighting the inexorable march of time and the tragic consequences of expending it in vain—a reflection, perhaps, of Taboritsky's own futile pursuits and the lives sacrificed for an unattainable objective.
== In Popular Culture: ==
[[File:Tabbymeme.jpg|thumb|Taboritsky Meme]]
"Taboritsky is so basedpilled!!!!" - TNO Fandom
"Taboritsky is such a gamer!!!!!!" - TNO Fandom
"This man killed the dad of the guy that invented the word 'loli'. I can't believe I'm not making that up." - Actual Fact btw
== See Also: ==
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* [[Dmitry Yazov]]
* [https://the-new-order-last-days-of-europe.fandom.com/wiki/Sergey_Taboritsky TNO Fandom Version]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Taboritsky Wikipedia Version][[File:Gamertabby.webp|thumb|Gamer Taboritsky Meme]]___________________________________________________________________
* "This page is Work In Progress. Please don't make any major changes, but, please help make it better. I thank you for your cooperation." - Page Creator and Page Main Editor, [https://tno.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SergeyTaboritsky @SergeyTaboritsky] (on discord as kesariya.tera (TheManikeGod) and on reddit as TheManikeGod)[[File:Shabelskybork.webp|thumb|Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork]]
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