Code of Conduct

From TNOpediA

TNOpediA is a space for anyone to learn about, or help document TNO. Below are a set of rules that must be followed before using the wiki. Please also note that you must be at least 13 years old before contributing.

  • Vandalism or the spread of misinformation on any level is not tolerated.
    • Do assume good faith at first. Chances are someone is editing to help the wiki and made a mistake. Correct it and let the user know.
  • The creation of alternate accounts (or sock puppetry) is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
  • Do not partake in edit wars. If there is a disagreement, discuss it on the wiki or in the Discord server.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden.
  • No LARPing.
  • Use talk pages appropriately. Do remember that this is not Fandom.
  • Ask before creating a new page. Sometimes missing pages already have been made, or are being drafted by somebody.

Punishments taken on the wiki may also apply on the Discord server with no appeals.

Grammar, Spelling and Formatting

This wiki uses American English. Please make sure to use proper spelling and grammar when contributing to the wiki. This includes proper punctuation and capitalization.

Write formally as if you're writing a wiki article and not a TNO event.

Avoid using second-person pronouns (i.e. you, yourself, etc). When referring to someone who plays the game, refer to them as "the player."


  • Bad: You're tasked to investigate the Red Poppy Movement.
  • OK: The player is tasked to destroy the Red Poppy Movement.

Please keep in mind how to format text, and preview before submitting an edit.

Allowed Content

Upcoming/legacy content

Content that is upcoming or from leaks will not be added to the wiki until the following content releases. Knowing the pace of TNO updates, you shouldn't remove pages or mark them as legacy since TNO updates will take time to finish. If certain characters are rewritten or countries have new content/paths, you may delete the old content, but if content that has a whole page written on it is removed, you may mark it as legacy content.

Joke Content

April fools content like Ponylon or other secrets are written on the wiki, as long as its marked as non canon.

Fan content

The main focus of TNOpediA's scope is official content relating to TNO. The wiki's coverage of fan content (also known as fanon) is limited to fan content that has been approved by the TNO devs or in pages about TNO fan culture and memes. Please do not add memes or shitposts on pages about serious topics.

Submod content

The only submods whose content is written on the wiki are decided by the TNOpediA staff. Just be sure to mark pages containing anything submod related as submod content. If you are one of the lead developers of a submod and wish for it to be included in the wiki, reach out to an administrator. Keep in mind that your submods needs to be actively developed and needs to be released in a full or beta version, for 4 months. Spinoffs are not being added. The current list is:

When making pages about submid