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If the message is unavailable or deleted, but there's evidence in the form of a chatlog, include the message in ''italic text'' with an indicator showing the individual that said it. If the message is longer than 20 words, shorten it and add three dots to the end.
:'''Template''': <code><nowiki><ref>''Message'' -User, '''Pizza TowerTNO Discord Server''': #channel-name (dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm)</ref></nowiki></code>
:'''Example''': <code><nowiki><ref>''IWdym triedfrosty animating things mostly in 24 but it depends on the animation😭'' -McPigreadsettlers.org, '''PizzaTNO TowerDiscord DiscordServer''': #pizzatowertalkannouncements (1707/061/20182024, 0600:2109)</ref></nowiki></code>
===In Game References===
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