Template:Infobox city

From TNOpediA
Infobox city

Documentation[edit source]

Unless specified otherwise, parameters left blank or not added will mostly not appear on the page

{{Infobox city
| endonym          = 
| exonym           = 
| photo            = 
| photocaption     = 
| winterphoto      = 
| wintercaption    = 
| population       = 
| stategdp         = 
| gdppercapita     = 
| cultureicon      = 
| culture          = 

How to use each parameter:[edit source]

endonym = native name of the city, should be shown when endonyms are turned on. defaults to page name which should also be named after the endonym
exonym = exonym name of the city. shows when exonyms are turned on
photo = photo of the city in the game. just put the filename
photocaption = caption of the photo. defaults to "photograph of [pagename]"
population = population of the city province. when cities share the state with other cities, try to calculate the estimated population and write it off as "~[population]"
winterphoto = winter photo of the city. just put the filename
wintercaption = caption of the photo winter. defaults to "[pagename] during the winter"
population = population of the city province. when cities share the state with other cities, try to calculate the estimated population and write it off as "~[population]"
stategdp = gdp of the state
gdppercapita = gdp per capita of the state
cultureicon = the icon of the culture. just put the filename
culture = the states culture

Example:[edit source]

Photograph of Moskau
Population4.45 M
State GDP$1.05B
Culture Ostdeutsch

{{Infobox city
| endonym          = Moskau
| exonym           = Moscow
| photo            = State_lore_img_89.png
| photocaption     = Photograph of Moskau
| population       = 4.45 M
| stategdp         = 1.05B
| gdppercapita     = 235
| cultureicon      = Ostdeutsch.png
| culture          = Ostdeutsch

becomes what you see on the right