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(→‎1961: Minor edit.)
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* Early 1943: The Republic of Ireland with German backing invades Northern Ireland.
* April: The German launches an invasion of the British Island called Operation: Sea Lion.
* June 34: Argentine military coup the government in response to government effort to remove a prominent pro-axis military officer from his cabinet post
* The British Raj collapses leading to the formation of the Republic of India. Around the same time Burma wins its de-facto independence
=== 1944 ===
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* July 4: A German bomber drops an atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor wiping out the US Pacific Fleet
* Late August: President Dewey signs the Akagi Accords that both surrenders the US's pacific territories to the Japanese and create a non aggression pact with the Germans formally ending the Second World War.
* October: General Alvaro Eduardo Avalos leads a coup backed by pro-allies politicians to overthrow the Pro-Axis government established in 1943. Juan Peron is arrested for his role in that government.
* Burma signs the Shonan Agreement formally becoming Independent
=== 1946 ===
* February 24: The UCR-lead Democratic Union alliance wins a narrow victory over the Peron lead Labor party, leading to Jose Tamborini to become president
* May 9: Afghan Prime Minister Sadar Mohammd Hashim Khan is replace by his brother Shah Mahmud Khan under the order of Mohammed Zahir Shah to hopefully move the country in a progressive direction.
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* Members of the Wesh Dzalmian are elected to the Afghan Wolesi Jirga
* The Estado Novo regime in Brazil ends with military coup caused Vargas's men attempting to assassinate a well-known anti-Vargas jorunalist . Shortly after a new Brazilian Constitution was written and ratified
== 1950s ==
=== 1950 ===
* November 3: Eduardo Gomes won the 1950 Brazilian Presidential Election
* The Kanton Protocols of 1950 craves out an independent state in the region of Guangdong, forming the [[Guangdong|State of Guangdong]]
=== 1951 ===
* After November 11: In response to Juan Peron winning that year's presidential election, members of the Argentine government and military attempted a self-coup to prevent him from coming into power.
=== 1952 ===
* The Nationalist faction of the Burmese military coups the Burmese government
=== 1953 ===
* The Communist Party of Brazil is banned
* The Gomes goverment gets rid of Vargas era minimum wage causing a backlash against the UDN leading to their loss in 1955
* Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy dies and is succeed by his son-in-law Galeazzo Ciano .
=== 1954 ===
* The Burmese government under pressure from Japan passed a constitutional amendment that bans Communism in the country
* Colombian President Jorge Eliécer Gaitán is assassinated causing a political crisis in the country which lead to civil war
* Morita Akio founds Sony Electronic after leaving Fujistu two year earlier.
=== 1955 ===
* October 3: Juscelino Kubitschek won the 1955 Brazilian Presidential Election
* November 11: A group of military's officers launches a counter-coup to prevent the a group of UDN politican from a launching a coup to prevent Brazilian president-elect Juscelino Kubitschek from taking office.
* Norodom Sihanouk abdicates being king of Kampuchea, but quickly become the leader of the King of Kampuchea civilian goverment
=== 1956 ===
* Juan Peron is overthrown by a conspiracy between the Argentine military and various oppositional political groups lead by Eduardo Lonardi who places a temporary junta in power. This new government also decree an that banned any pro-Peronist images and depictions.
* A ceasefire ends the civil war in Colombia, but the country is divided in three between the three main faction of the civil war
* Late: A general uprising lead by David Stirling and Bill Alexander against the BPP controlled British government both begins and is later crushed. The fact that an uprising even occurred lead to resignation of A.K Chesterton as Prime Minister.
=== 1957 ===
* Social Credit Party of Canada forms an alliance with right-wing parts of the Québécois independence movement forming the party's Francophone wing
* The Iberian Union joins the anti-German alliance between Turkey and Italy forming the Triumvirate.
=== 1958 ===
* Before February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking [[Arturo Frondizi]] as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín
* March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major win in the 1958 federal election.
=== 1959 ===
* January 1: Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista flees to the Dominican Republic after Cuban revolutionaries win a major victory over the government.
* Ibuka Masaru becomes president of Fujistu
* Tension rises between the German African RKs and the Brazilian government as the former allows illegal fishing ship and pirates to enter Brazilian water sparking the so-call Lobster wars
=== 1950s ===
* Cameroon People Republic sendsbacked smallAfrican Continental Army launches raids into the German controlled Congo
== 1960s ==
=== 1960 ===
* October 3: Henrique Lott won the 1960 Brazilian Presidential election.
* December: US President Estes Kefauver breaks the Akagi Accords by declaring Hawaii a US state under Japanese occupation and declare an oil embargo on Japan. In response Japan begins placing ICBM in Hawaii
=== 1961 ===
* March 5: The Democratic Front of Chile suffer a major loss in this year's parliamentary election, only retaining power by inviting the Radical Party into the front.
* November: US Spy Planes discover that Japan had been installing ICBM on the Hawaii island of Kaui.

Revision as of 18:13, 1 February 2024



  • June 16: With the Red army victory over White Army Remnants in Yakutia, the Russian Civil War is finally over



  • January 30: Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler, leading to his rise in power.



  • November 5: Republican candidate Thomas Dewey wins the election for President of United States beating the Democratic candidate Harry Hopkins.


  • December 7: The Imperial Japanese Navy launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor destroying many U.S. naval ships


  • June 7: The US Pacific Fleet is destroyed by the Japanese at the Battle of Midway


  • Early 1943: The Republic of Ireland with German backing invades Northern Ireland.
  • April: The German launches an invasion of the British Island called Operation: Sea Lion.
  • June 4: Argentine military coup the government in response to government effort to remove a prominent pro-axis military officer from his cabinet post
  • The British Raj collapses leading to the formation of the Republic of India. Around the same time Burma wins its de-facto independence


  • November 7: Thomas Dewey barely wins a second term as US President thanks to Eisenhower initial success in holding off the German in Scotland and division among the Democrats


  • April: Allied forces withdraw from Scotland, ending the European part of the Second World War.
  • July 4: A German bomber drops an atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor wiping out the US Pacific Fleet
  • Late August: President Dewey signs the Akagi Accords that both surrenders the US's pacific territories to the Japanese and create a non aggression pact with the Germans formally ending the Second World War.
  • October: General Alvaro Eduardo Avalos leads a coup backed by pro-allies politicians to overthrow the Pro-Axis government established in 1943. Juan Peron is arrested for his role in that government.
  • Burma signs the Shonan Agreement formally becoming Independent


  • February 24: The UCR-lead Democratic Union alliance wins a narrow victory over the Peron lead Labor party, leading to Jose Tamborini to become president
  • May 9: Afghan Prime Minister Sadar Mohammd Hashim Khan is replace by his brother Shah Mahmud Khan under the order of Mohammed Zahir Shah to hopefully move the country in a progressive direction.


  • The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan 's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country


  • Members of the Wesh Dzalmian are elected to the Afghan Wolesi Jirga
  • The Estado Novo regime in Brazil ends with military coup caused Vargas's men attempting to assassinate a well-known anti-Vargas jorunalist . Shortly after a new Brazilian Constitution was written and ratified



  • November 3: Eduardo Gomes won the 1950 Brazilian Presidential Election
  • The Kanton Protocols of 1950 craves out an independent state in the region of Guangdong, forming the State of Guangdong


  • After November 11: In response to Juan Peron winning that year's presidential election, members of the Argentine government and military attempted a self-coup to prevent him from coming into power.


  • The Nationalist faction of the Burmese military coups the Burmese government


  • The Communist Party of Brazil is banned
  • The Gomes goverment gets rid of Vargas era minimum wage causing a backlash against the UDN leading to their loss in 1955
  • Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy dies and is succeed by his son-in-law Galeazzo Ciano .


  • The Burmese government under pressure from Japan passed a constitutional amendment that bans Communism in the country
  • Colombian President Jorge Eliécer Gaitán is assassinated causing a political crisis in the country which lead to civil war
  • Morita Akio founds Sony Electronic after leaving Fujistu two year earlier.


  • October 3: Juscelino Kubitschek won the 1955 Brazilian Presidential Election
  • November 11: A group of military's officers launches a counter-coup to prevent the a group of UDN politican from a launching a coup to prevent Brazilian president-elect Juscelino Kubitschek from taking office.
  • Norodom Sihanouk abdicates being king of Kampuchea, but quickly become the leader of the King of Kampuchea civilian goverment


  • Juan Peron is overthrown by a conspiracy between the Argentine military and various oppositional political groups lead by Eduardo Lonardi who places a temporary junta in power. This new government also decree an that banned any pro-Peronist images and depictions.
  • A ceasefire ends the civil war in Colombia, but the country is divided in three between the three main faction of the civil war
  • Late: A general uprising lead by David Stirling and Bill Alexander against the BPP controlled British government both begins and is later crushed. The fact that an uprising even occurred lead to resignation of A.K Chesterton as Prime Minister.


  • Social Credit Party of Canada forms an alliance with right-wing parts of the Québécois independence movement forming the party's Francophone wing
  • The Iberian Union joins the anti-German alliance between Turkey and Italy forming the Triumvirate.


  • Before February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking Arturo Frondizi as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín
  • March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major win in the 1958 federal election.


  • January 1: Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista flees to the Dominican Republic after Cuban revolutionaries win a major victory over the government.
  • Ibuka Masaru becomes president of Fujistu
  • Tension rises between the German African RKs and the Brazilian government as the former allows illegal fishing ship and pirates to enter Brazilian water sparking the so-call Lobster wars


  • Cameroon People Republic backed African Continental Army launches raids into the German controlled Congo



  • October 3: Henrique Lott won the 1960 Brazilian Presidential election.
  • December: US President Estes Kefauver breaks the Akagi Accords by declaring Hawaii a US state under Japanese occupation and declare an oil embargo on Japan. In response Japan begins placing ICBM in Hawaii


  • March 5: The Democratic Front of Chile suffer a major loss in this year's parliamentary election, only retaining power by inviting the Radical Party into the front.
  • November: US Spy Planes discover that Japan had been installing ICBM on the Hawaii island of Kaui.
  • December: Nixon reveals the presence of Japanese missiles in Hawaii and sends a US naval forces to blockade the island, Japan launched their own force to face off against the US fleet. A full-on war is avoid thanks to Vice President Kennedy advocating for negotiations.